Wednesday, December 25, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Gkt Essay Topics and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Gkt Essay Topics and Why You Must Take Action Today Another means to help get a clearer idea about the college essay is read about other college essay that was done by other people. There are several persuasive essay topics to pick from to finish your high school or college assignment. Log into the net, there are several websites that supply the sample college essay. There's no one best approach to compose the college entrance essay. Thus, you've got to consider from the view of an artist to come up with a superior body paragraph of A level essay. So without further ado, below are some effective writing tips to produce your common app essay stick out! Your thesis ought to be relevant so the post can use a structure that's flexible in order to fit in the shoes of the readers. If you're struggling, you always have the option to get help by employing an essay writing service such as ours. Rumors, Deception and Gkt Essay Topics Arguments alw ays happen in a particular context. Remember your essay is about solving problems, therefore a solution ought to be a highlight of the essay. If as you are preparing a report you just analyze specific literature, the essay demands a superb penetration into the issue. Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to individuals who are quite interested in how you'll manage the subsequent four years all on your own. Since you can see, a number of the topics listed are new and handle the present issues happening in the World today. Colleges are not searching for perfect individuals. They are looking for a sense of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your personal growth. Whatever college essay topic you select or are assigned, the trick is to compose a superior stand-out essay. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but don't forget to do your homework on what the recent laws about you r favorite topic actually say. Categories, essay topics might be divided into. Choice of the essay topic is important portion of your efforts to compose a great essay. A proposal essay is quite easy to comprehend. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. When you are finished with your essay, you must not just check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. Thanks to the correct option of presentation style and a thorough understanding of the goals you wish to accomplish in your essay, there are plenty of categories essay themes may be broken into. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. Persuasive or argumentative essays are intended to convince the audience of ones viewpoint about a specific topic. Gkt Essay Topics Help! So you don't actually wish to obtain a topic! You should have noticed that each topic is significantly related to the some sort of mystery since if you won't create suspense and unveil the unknown then you won't be in a position to pull in the readers attention at any instance. If you get to select your own topic, that's wonderful. It's possible to go for an intriguing topic from any area of science. Your stories aren't debatable. Even if a specific research paper topic is getting plenty of buzz at the moment or other individuals seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic if you don't genuinely have some kind of interest in it also. At precisely the same time, detecting cause and effect relationships isn't that easy in regards to the selection of a great cause and effect essay topic. It's highly recommended that you just choose the topic that you're able to deal with, for instance, if you're not t sketching the personality characteristics then you need to better not elect for it. Write about a problem which you have or wish to fix. Don't neglect to explain why the predicament is significant to you! The essay is easily among the most troublesome sections of the college application procedure. Sure, with this kind of a big number of topics to select from, picking just one may be challenging. The process can help make certain you continue t o be on the appropriate track. If you are able to write a really convincing piece on a real-world application utilizing unique facts and research, then your opportunities receiving admission to a top level university will surely grow! An exceptional title will capture the interest of the reader and enhance your odds of obtaining a high score. It is preferable to search online because it will save yourself a plenty of time. If it's necessary to compose your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. There are many steps that you should take as a way to write a great essay. The Rise of Gkt Essay Topics In open-ended essay assignments, picking an essay topic gets crucial to the general success of the bit of writing. 1 important thing which you should do when writing your essay is to help it become personal. In general, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. An argumentative essay is a certain sort of a cademic writing. If you've ever taken an on-line class, you understand how different it can be from a classic face-to-face course. Curriculum proposal topics is a means to try. Students are accustomed to the fact which their professors give them with the assignment's topic. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on various views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cognitive Development In Children Experiment Essay

Cognitive Development in Children: Experiment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Piaget suggests that children prior to the age of seven develop an objective moral orientation. They tend to evaluate the good or bad actions on the basis of the consequences of the actions (good or bad). At about the age seven, children develop a subjective moral orientation which involves evaluation of behavior in terms of whether the intentions were good or bad. This investigational method is used to determine whether children under the age of seven have objective moral reasoning; along with, if children about the age of seven have subjective moral reasoning. Method Subjects: The subjects were children from 1990 to 1995 between the ages of three to 11.†¦show more content†¦Story Pair Two: A. Sarah (Kenny) was playing on her (his) swing in the back yard. Her brother (his sister) was also playing in the back yard. He (she) decided to go over to the sandbox to play. As he (she) walked by the swing, Sarah (Kenny) tried to kick him (her) but misses. B. Pauline (Billy) was watching TV. Her brother (his sister) was playing nearby. She (he) hears her (his) friends playing outside and gets up to run outside and play with them. As she (he) is running she (he) bumps into her brother (his sister). He (she) falls down, his (her) nose begins to bleed, and he (she) begins to cry. Story Pair Three: A. Anne (Scott) is playing on the wall near her (his) house. She (he) is not supposed to play there because it is very dangerous to climb on the wall. But Anne (Scott) goes ahead and climbs to the top of the wall. She (he) slips and bruises her (his) knee. B. Barbara (Trevor) climbs up a very tall tree to help her (his) kitten get down. She (he) reaches the kitten and helps her get down. But as she (he) climbs down, a branch of the tree breaks and Barbara (Trevor) falls to the ground. She (he) breaks a leg. Procedure: You must arrange a time to meet with the child in the his/her environment with no other children present in the room. Set a rapport with the child for a few minutes, if you dont know the child. When the child has settled down and there is no distractions proceed with the investigation. Tell the childShow MoreRelatedEssay about Understanding Piaget’s Theory and Current Criticism1370 Words   |  6 PagesSeveral years ago, an insightful and profound man, Jean Piaget, established a theory of cognitive growth during childhood. This theory was viewed as a major model for understanding the intricate steps of mental development from the thinking to understanding for a child. This theory also gave rise to the mentality that cognitive processes during childhood are not minuscule versions of adults but rather an irrational yet unique process with its own rules. Even though Piaget’s theory seems quite reasonableRead MoreEvaluation Of A Psychology Experiment1113 Words   |  5 P agesMethod Participants Each researcher in the class interviewed between one to two children within the following age group; 3-5, 8-10 and, 13-15 years old. As a total, there were 33 children involved in the experiment. There were 8 children ages 3-5 interviewed; 4 males and 4 females. There were 15 children ages 8-10 interviewed; 8 males and 7 females. There were 10 children ages 13-15 interviewed; 6 males and 4 females. The participants were selected because the experimenter knew the child they wereRead MoreConservation Of Liquid With A Three Year Old1273 Words   |  6 Pagesstudied young children and analyzed their development at a young age. Piaget is well known for his four cognitive development stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, and formal operations; as mentioned by Siegler and Alibali (2004). Siegler and Alibali (2004) also stated that these four stages begin as soon as the child is born and it continues throughout their young adolescent years all the way to adulthood. Piaget condu cted numerous research experiments towards young children in order toRead MoreTheories Of Cognitive Development And Comment On Impact On Education1381 Words   |  6 PagesDescribe and evaluate some theories of cognitive development and comment on the impact they have had on education. This essay will describe and evaluate two of the main three theories concerning cognitive development and comment on how they have impacted education. Cognitive development is the mental process in which we think and how we remember, problem solving and decision making. There are three main theorists that have a theory on cognitive development, Piaget, Vygotsky and Bruner. Piaget andRead More Jean Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development Essay1567 Words   |  7 PagesPiagets Stages of Cognitive Development Very briefly describe Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and explain what he meant by saying that young children are egocentric. Use experimental evidence to consider this claim. Cognitive development is what psychologists talk about when discussing a child’s intellectual growth. Jean Piaget (1896 to 1980), a Swiss psychologist developed a theory of cognitive development, which is still much discussed and critiquedRead MoreJean Piaget and the Four Major Stages of Cognitive Theory Essay897 Words   |  4 PagesJEAN PIAGET and THE FOUR MAJOR STAGES OF COGNITIVE THEORY                            The patriarch of cognitive theory was Jean Piaget(1896-1980). Piaget was a biologist, who became interested in human thinking while working to evaluate the results of child intelligence tests.   As Piaget worked he noted the correlation between the childs age and the type of error they made. Intrigued by the discovery that certain errors occurred predictably at certain age, he began to focus his time and energyRead MoreThe Effects Of Television On Young Children s Executive Function Essay1363 Words   |  6 Pagespredicted the possibility of shot-term negative effects of television watching coming from its long-term impact on attention focusing even for adults. In addition, they noticed that the fast-paced shows seem to insert a stronger negative impact on either children or adults by â€Å"capturing attention in a bottom-up fashion.† (P2, middle left) Thus, they formed a hypothesis saying that compared to a slower-paced educational cartoon or self-paced activity such as dr awing, a fast-paced cartoon show would have aRead MoreResearch On Piaget s Stage Theory1388 Words   |  6 Pages(birth-2 years), regarding children who suffer from autism, blindness, intellectual, and physical disabilities. As stated above, object permanence is the primary focus in this stage and it is seen as a foundational skill to master when moving towards the next stages. In each stages, object permanence becomes a necessary skill to learn, specifically when a child is developing their mental representation ability. Moreover, prior research has shown that learning cognitive skills is strongly associatedRead MoreChild Development Study1055 Words   |  5 PagesPiaget’s theory of cognitive development is a theory used to analyze and understand human development and behavior. His theory is broken up into four stages: Sensorimotor, which lasts from 0 to 2 years of age, Preoperational, which lasts from 2 to 7 years of age, Concrete Operational, which lasts from 7 to 11 ye ars of age, and lastly, Formal Operational, which the child enters at 11 years of age and stays in throughout adulthood (Santrock, 2010, p.24). Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is importantRead MoreA Study Of Piagets Concepts1481 Words   |  6 Pagesthree separate, interrelated experiments on children in northern and southern Italy to form a conclusion on the factors that affect their drawing abilities. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Sharing Confidential Information on Social Media

Question: Describe about the Sharing Confidential Information on Social Media. Answer: Introduction In this journal article, the thesis statement mainly describes about the Government laws, rules and regulations regarding the issues of disclosing the confidential information and communications of any organization in social media. Tamsin McMahon is the author of this article. His main purpose about this journal article is to make aware the employees of any company about the power of internet connection through which they can share any confidential data, information and communication of any company (Di Gangi, Johnston, Worrell, Thompson, 2016). According to this article, the Supreme Court of Texas implements a set of the rule related to the remove of a blog post of an organization which declares or claim that an employee makes a plan which is a kickback scheme of that particular company. The lower Court of Texas rejects this activity of removing any posts from the blog because in blog post everybody has the rights to serve their opinion freely. The court always supports the Company' s right about firing their employees those who hampered the reputation of the company and also insult their supervisors, employers, and co-workers through their personal accounts on social media. As the employees of any organization have the power to disclose the confidential information of the organization, the employer increase the use of some technological tools and software which can able to give a hard security to the computers within the organization (Gozman, Currie, Seddon, 2016). According to this thesis article, Tom Keenan is another author who said that the company or organization should install exfiltration software by maintaining a routine. By the help of this software, the corporate heads can monitor or control the entire systems of the corporate device to detect the working module or performance of the employees within the organization. Author Tom Keenan is an expertise in the field of computer security. For this reason, once the CEO of Calgary hire him to install com puter security in their computers secretly (Hall McGraw, 2016). Tom Keenan also write a book named Techno creep which gives a detailed information and knowledge about the possible ways through which the technology has corrode the privacy rights of any organization. Main Context MCMAHON, TAMSIN. "Government Regulation Confidential Communications -- Laws, Regulations And Rules Disclosure Of Information -- Laws, Regulations And Rules Social Media Business Enterprises". N.p., 2014. Web. 22 Nov. 2016. According to this article, the information and data which are provided is actually a fact which can be verified by the researchers. The central argument of the author is that in the recent period of time the young workers want to develop or introduce themselves as a personal brand on social media. For this reason, some of the times the difference between the personal information and the organizational information on social media remain indistinct which hamper the privacy of that particular organization (Johnston, 2014). That is why; the social media is completely banned by the companies at the time of doing work. They also banned the discussion about the organizational business on social media legally. According to the researchers, the government laws, rules and regulations are important to stop the hacking and disclosing of confidential information and data of the organization. There are so many numbers of logical reasons, to enact a law regarding this issue of disclosing confidenti al data and information of the organization on social media. Due to the disclosing of many information and videos about the internal works of the organization, hampers the reputation of the company tremendously (Liu, 2013). The business clients also get angry and feel insecure to deal with that particular company. In the recent days, the laws, rules, and regulations related to the disclosing of confidential information can slowly able to catch up the exhaustive and extensive reach of social media within the workplace of any organization. In recent days, due to this reason, Facebook firings are getting increased within Canada. The court always supports and encourage the Company's right about firing their employees those who hampered the reputation of the company and also insult their supervisors, employers, and co-workers through their personal accounts on social media (MCMAHON, 2014). As the employees of any organization have the power to disclose the confidential information of the organization, the employer increase the use of some technological tools and software which can able to give a hard security to the computers within the organization. By the help of these tools and software, the employers can able to detect the posts about the sharing of confidential information of their companies which is shared by their employees on social media. According to the journal article, Tom Keenan once hired by the Chief Executive Officer of Calgary Company because he is an expert in the field of access computer security. For this reason, the CEO of Calgary Company brings him into their company to secure their organizational computers secretly and confidentially (Ng, 2016). They install a keyword logger on the suspected workers computer secretly. By the help of this exfiltration software, the company is able to detect and catch the employee red hand to share the confidential information and data to the competitor organization of that particular company (Reamer, 2012). According to Scott Kaine, president of Cyveillance, some of the companies has already created a team of intelligence whose may work is to surf the web regularly maintaining a time interval and investigate the posts, videos, and articles of the company and the writings about the executive and working procedures of the company. For example, a firm in Virginia offers a se rvice which provides such type of web scanning activities to the other clients or companies who really need this process to detect those employees who illegally post confidential information and data about the company on social media. Generally, the chat rooms within the organizations are main are where the employees steal the confidential information about the organization and disclose it in front of hackers and other competitor companies (Richards, 2015). Most of the time the most unsatisfied employee has the tendency to disclose the confidential information about the company and cause a huge damage to the reputation of the company within the market. However, according to the Scott Kaine, president of Cyveillance, there are also so many numbers of employees on social media who never try to disrespect or disclose any information about their companies on social media (Sarfaty, 2013). Therefore, it can be said that the enactment of law, rules, and regulations can help the company to restrict the share of confidential information and data of the company on social media. However, the employees also have the rights to speech and deliver their opinions freely on social media but not the confidential data of the company. According the researchers the author get biased about the employees and support that they can freely deliver their opinions on social media which hampers the reputation of a company tremendously. Conclusion In this thesis paper, the researchers can state that the disclosing of any type of confidential information of any company on social media is an illegal activity which is performed by that particular employee and for this act he should be punished by the higher authority of the company. Though internet became a great power for the unsatisfied employee to share the confidential information, videos and data about the company on social media and hamper the reputation and goodwill of that particular company within the market but it is an illegal activity according to the law which is enacted by the government to support the companies. The higher authority has the right to punish and fire that particular employee who wants to create such type of blur within the market. For this reason, some of the times the difference between the personal information and the organizational information on social media remain indistinct which can also hamper the privacy of that particular organization. In t he recent days, the companies are utilizing computer software which is able to detect and catch the suspected employee who wants to share the confidential information and data to the competitor organization of that company. This software provides a high-security level to the organizational computers of that company. Hence, it can say that the laws which are enacted by the government to catch those employees who share the company information on social media become very beneficial for the employer of the companies. However, the people have rights to speech freely and can freely share their opinion on social media. References Di Gangi, P., Johnston, A., Worrell, J., Thompson, S. (2016).What could possibly go wrong? A multi-panel Delphi study of organizational social media risk. Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Gozman, D., Currie, W., Seddon, J. (2016).The Role of Big Data in Governance: A Regulatory and Legal Perspective of Analytics in Global Financial Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Hall, J. McGraw, D. (2016).For Telehealth To Succeed, Privacy And Security Risks Must Be Identified And Addressed. Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Johnston, J. (2014).Loose tweets sink fleets and other sage advice: social media governance, policies and guidelines. Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Liu, R. (2013).New Results on Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Broadcast Channels With Confidential Messages - IEEE Xplore Retrieved 22 November 2016, from MCMAHON, T. (2014).Government regulation Confidential communications -- Laws, regulations and rules Disclosure of information -- Laws, regulations and rules Social media Business Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Ng, C. (2016).Public spaces as workplace for mobile knowledge Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Reamer, F. (2012).Social Work in a Digital Age: Ethical and Risk Management Challenges. Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Richards, N. (2015).Why Data Privacy Law Is (Mostly) Constitutional The Contemporary First Amendment: Freedom of Speech, Press, and Assembly Symposium 56 William Mary Law Review Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Sarfaty, G. (2013).Human Rights Meets Securities Retrieved 22 November 2016, from

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lesson Plan for Pe free essay sample

Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: a) Throw and dodge the ball effectively b) Attained flexibility through the game c) Achieve good teamwork with friends Teaching aids: 1) Video – Introduction on how the game is played Moral Values: Students are able to learn how to cooperate with teammates and build a good teamwork. Procedures: Stage| Contents| Activities amp; Rationales| Set Induction (10 minutes)| Video of How Dodge ball is Played| * Teacher shows the students a short video about How Dodge ball is Played. While watching the video, teacher can explain what should the students take note during the game. Rationale:To gain students’ interest towards Dodge ball and knowledge about Dodge ball. | Practise (30 minutes)| Skills and Techniques| * Teacher explains the rules about the game and what shouldn’t be done during the game. * Teachers can teach the students skills and techniques on how to dodge and throw the ball effectively . We will write a custom essay sample on Lesson Plan for Pe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Teacher lets students warm up and practise throwing and dodging in pairs. Rationale:To gain students’ knowledge and let students understand rules on dodge ball. The Match(35 minutes)| A game of Doge Ball | * Teacher divides the class into 2 teams. * Each team starts out by throwing from the half court line. * When a player gets hit or someone catches the ball he has thrown, he is OUT! * Have a designated area on the side that the players go to, because they are OUT until a new game begins. * Then the teacher blows the whistle and calls the threepoint line. * When there are only a few players left in the game the teacher then calls another line that is closer than the three point line. If the teams start out uneven, then the teacher can let the weaker team go to the three point line and keep the other team at the half court line until the numbers even up. Rationale:To let students experience how Dodge ball is being played. | Closure (5 minutes)| A review of thelesson| * Teacher let the students cool down by relaxing. * Teachers can discuss about the match played just now and point out what did the students did wrong during the match. * Teachers can also asks students feedback and opinion regarding the game played. |