Wednesday, December 25, 2019

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Gkt Essay Topics and Why You Must Take Action Today

New Article Reveals the Low Down on Gkt Essay Topics and Why You Must Take Action Today Another means to help get a clearer idea about the college essay is read about other college essay that was done by other people. There are several persuasive essay topics to pick from to finish your high school or college assignment. Log into the net, there are several websites that supply the sample college essay. There's no one best approach to compose the college entrance essay. Thus, you've got to consider from the view of an artist to come up with a superior body paragraph of A level essay. So without further ado, below are some effective writing tips to produce your common app essay stick out! Your thesis ought to be relevant so the post can use a structure that's flexible in order to fit in the shoes of the readers. If you're struggling, you always have the option to get help by employing an essay writing service such as ours. Rumors, Deception and Gkt Essay Topics Arguments alw ays happen in a particular context. Remember your essay is about solving problems, therefore a solution ought to be a highlight of the essay. If as you are preparing a report you just analyze specific literature, the essay demands a superb penetration into the issue. Application essays about challenges reveal how you respond to difficulty to individuals who are quite interested in how you'll manage the subsequent four years all on your own. Since you can see, a number of the topics listed are new and handle the present issues happening in the World today. Colleges are not searching for perfect individuals. They are looking for a sense of maturity and introspectionpinpoint the transformation and demonstrate your personal growth. Whatever college essay topic you select or are assigned, the trick is to compose a superior stand-out essay. You don't need to find super technical with legal argumentative essays, but don't forget to do your homework on what the recent laws about you r favorite topic actually say. Categories, essay topics might be divided into. Choice of the essay topic is important portion of your efforts to compose a great essay. A proposal essay is quite easy to comprehend. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. When you are finished with your essay, you must not just check it for spelling and grammatical errors, but nevertheless, it also has to be checked for logical fallacies. Thanks to the correct option of presentation style and a thorough understanding of the goals you wish to accomplish in your essay, there are plenty of categories essay themes may be broken into. In this kind of situation, it's more convenient to locate ready-made essays and use them as an example. Persuasive or argumentative essays are intended to convince the audience of ones viewpoint about a specific topic. Gkt Essay Topics Help! So you don't actually wish to obtain a topic! You should have noticed that each topic is significantly related to the some sort of mystery since if you won't create suspense and unveil the unknown then you won't be in a position to pull in the readers attention at any instance. If you get to select your own topic, that's wonderful. It's possible to go for an intriguing topic from any area of science. Your stories aren't debatable. Even if a specific research paper topic is getting plenty of buzz at the moment or other individuals seem interested in writing about it, don't feel tempted to make it your topic if you don't genuinely have some kind of interest in it also. At precisely the same time, detecting cause and effect relationships isn't that easy in regards to the selection of a great cause and effect essay topic. It's highly recommended that you just choose the topic that you're able to deal with, for instance, if you're not t sketching the personality characteristics then you need to better not elect for it. Write about a problem which you have or wish to fix. Don't neglect to explain why the predicament is significant to you! The essay is easily among the most troublesome sections of the college application procedure. Sure, with this kind of a big number of topics to select from, picking just one may be challenging. The process can help make certain you continue t o be on the appropriate track. If you are able to write a really convincing piece on a real-world application utilizing unique facts and research, then your opportunities receiving admission to a top level university will surely grow! An exceptional title will capture the interest of the reader and enhance your odds of obtaining a high score. It is preferable to search online because it will save yourself a plenty of time. If it's necessary to compose your whole essay in 1 day, do your very best to give yourself breaks so you don't burn out. There are many steps that you should take as a way to write a great essay. The Rise of Gkt Essay Topics In open-ended essay assignments, picking an essay topic gets crucial to the general success of the bit of writing. 1 important thing which you should do when writing your essay is to help it become personal. In general, you can observe that writing a persuasive essay isn't a brain surgery. An argumentative essay is a certain sort of a cademic writing. If you've ever taken an on-line class, you understand how different it can be from a classic face-to-face course. Curriculum proposal topics is a means to try. Students are accustomed to the fact which their professors give them with the assignment's topic. Another reason is to observe how well students argue on various views and demonstrate understanding of the studied subject.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cognitive Development In Children Experiment Essay

Cognitive Development in Children: Experiment nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Piaget suggests that children prior to the age of seven develop an objective moral orientation. They tend to evaluate the good or bad actions on the basis of the consequences of the actions (good or bad). At about the age seven, children develop a subjective moral orientation which involves evaluation of behavior in terms of whether the intentions were good or bad. This investigational method is used to determine whether children under the age of seven have objective moral reasoning; along with, if children about the age of seven have subjective moral reasoning. Method Subjects: The subjects were children from 1990 to 1995 between the ages of three to 11.†¦show more content†¦Story Pair Two: A. Sarah (Kenny) was playing on her (his) swing in the back yard. Her brother (his sister) was also playing in the back yard. He (she) decided to go over to the sandbox to play. As he (she) walked by the swing, Sarah (Kenny) tried to kick him (her) but misses. B. Pauline (Billy) was watching TV. Her brother (his sister) was playing nearby. She (he) hears her (his) friends playing outside and gets up to run outside and play with them. As she (he) is running she (he) bumps into her brother (his sister). He (she) falls down, his (her) nose begins to bleed, and he (she) begins to cry. Story Pair Three: A. Anne (Scott) is playing on the wall near her (his) house. She (he) is not supposed to play there because it is very dangerous to climb on the wall. But Anne (Scott) goes ahead and climbs to the top of the wall. She (he) slips and bruises her (his) knee. B. Barbara (Trevor) climbs up a very tall tree to help her (his) kitten get down. She (he) reaches the kitten and helps her get down. But as she (he) climbs down, a branch of the tree breaks and Barbara (Trevor) falls to the ground. She (he) breaks a leg. Procedure: You must arrange a time to meet with the child in the his/her environment with no other children present in the room. Set a rapport with the child for a few minutes, if you dont know the child. When the child has settled down and there is no distractions proceed with the investigation. Tell the childShow MoreRelatedEssay about Understanding Piaget’s Theory and Current Criticism1370 Words   |  6 PagesSeveral years ago, an insightful and profound man, Jean Piaget, established a theory of cognitive growth during childhood. This theory was viewed as a major model for understanding the intricate steps of mental development from the thinking to understanding for a child. This theory also gave rise to the mentality that cognitive processes during childhood are not minuscule versions of adults but rather an irrational yet unique process with its own rules. Even though Piaget’s theory seems quite reasonableRead MoreEvaluation Of A Psychology Experiment1113 Words   |  5 P agesMethod Participants Each researcher in the class interviewed between one to two children within the following age group; 3-5, 8-10 and, 13-15 years old. As a total, there were 33 children involved in the experiment. There were 8 children ages 3-5 interviewed; 4 males and 4 females. There were 15 children ages 8-10 interviewed; 8 males and 7 females. There were 10 children ages 13-15 interviewed; 6 males and 4 females. The participants were selected because the experimenter knew the child they wereRead MoreConservation Of Liquid With A Three Year Old1273 Words   |  6 Pagesstudied young children and analyzed their development at a young age. Piaget is well known for his four cognitive development stages: sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete, and formal operations; as mentioned by Siegler and Alibali (2004). Siegler and Alibali (2004) also stated that these four stages begin as soon as the child is born and it continues throughout their young adolescent years all the way to adulthood. Piaget condu cted numerous research experiments towards young children in order toRead MoreTheories Of Cognitive Development And Comment On Impact On Education1381 Words   |  6 PagesDescribe and evaluate some theories of cognitive development and comment on the impact they have had on education. This essay will describe and evaluate two of the main three theories concerning cognitive development and comment on how they have impacted education. Cognitive development is the mental process in which we think and how we remember, problem solving and decision making. There are three main theorists that have a theory on cognitive development, Piaget, Vygotsky and Bruner. Piaget andRead More Jean Piagets Stages of Cognitive Development Essay1567 Words   |  7 PagesPiagets Stages of Cognitive Development Very briefly describe Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and explain what he meant by saying that young children are egocentric. Use experimental evidence to consider this claim. Cognitive development is what psychologists talk about when discussing a child’s intellectual growth. Jean Piaget (1896 to 1980), a Swiss psychologist developed a theory of cognitive development, which is still much discussed and critiquedRead MoreJean Piaget and the Four Major Stages of Cognitive Theory Essay897 Words   |  4 PagesJEAN PIAGET and THE FOUR MAJOR STAGES OF COGNITIVE THEORY                            The patriarch of cognitive theory was Jean Piaget(1896-1980). Piaget was a biologist, who became interested in human thinking while working to evaluate the results of child intelligence tests.   As Piaget worked he noted the correlation between the childs age and the type of error they made. Intrigued by the discovery that certain errors occurred predictably at certain age, he began to focus his time and energyRead MoreThe Effects Of Television On Young Children s Executive Function Essay1363 Words   |  6 Pagespredicted the possibility of shot-term negative effects of television watching coming from its long-term impact on attention focusing even for adults. In addition, they noticed that the fast-paced shows seem to insert a stronger negative impact on either children or adults by â€Å"capturing attention in a bottom-up fashion.† (P2, middle left) Thus, they formed a hypothesis saying that compared to a slower-paced educational cartoon or self-paced activity such as dr awing, a fast-paced cartoon show would have aRead MoreResearch On Piaget s Stage Theory1388 Words   |  6 Pages(birth-2 years), regarding children who suffer from autism, blindness, intellectual, and physical disabilities. As stated above, object permanence is the primary focus in this stage and it is seen as a foundational skill to master when moving towards the next stages. In each stages, object permanence becomes a necessary skill to learn, specifically when a child is developing their mental representation ability. Moreover, prior research has shown that learning cognitive skills is strongly associatedRead MoreChild Development Study1055 Words   |  5 PagesPiaget’s theory of cognitive development is a theory used to analyze and understand human development and behavior. His theory is broken up into four stages: Sensorimotor, which lasts from 0 to 2 years of age, Preoperational, which lasts from 2 to 7 years of age, Concrete Operational, which lasts from 7 to 11 ye ars of age, and lastly, Formal Operational, which the child enters at 11 years of age and stays in throughout adulthood (Santrock, 2010, p.24). Piaget’s theory of cognitive development is importantRead MoreA Study Of Piagets Concepts1481 Words   |  6 Pagesthree separate, interrelated experiments on children in northern and southern Italy to form a conclusion on the factors that affect their drawing abilities. In the first experiment, 225 children in an urban environment in northern Italy from the ages of five to nine were divided into five groups that were assigned to different experimental conditions. The groups varied on the presence of a visual model (photograph) and in the instruction order of the images. The children were individually assessed

Monday, December 9, 2019

Sharing Confidential Information on Social Media

Question: Describe about the Sharing Confidential Information on Social Media. Answer: Introduction In this journal article, the thesis statement mainly describes about the Government laws, rules and regulations regarding the issues of disclosing the confidential information and communications of any organization in social media. Tamsin McMahon is the author of this article. His main purpose about this journal article is to make aware the employees of any company about the power of internet connection through which they can share any confidential data, information and communication of any company (Di Gangi, Johnston, Worrell, Thompson, 2016). According to this article, the Supreme Court of Texas implements a set of the rule related to the remove of a blog post of an organization which declares or claim that an employee makes a plan which is a kickback scheme of that particular company. The lower Court of Texas rejects this activity of removing any posts from the blog because in blog post everybody has the rights to serve their opinion freely. The court always supports the Company' s right about firing their employees those who hampered the reputation of the company and also insult their supervisors, employers, and co-workers through their personal accounts on social media. As the employees of any organization have the power to disclose the confidential information of the organization, the employer increase the use of some technological tools and software which can able to give a hard security to the computers within the organization (Gozman, Currie, Seddon, 2016). According to this thesis article, Tom Keenan is another author who said that the company or organization should install exfiltration software by maintaining a routine. By the help of this software, the corporate heads can monitor or control the entire systems of the corporate device to detect the working module or performance of the employees within the organization. Author Tom Keenan is an expertise in the field of computer security. For this reason, once the CEO of Calgary hire him to install com puter security in their computers secretly (Hall McGraw, 2016). Tom Keenan also write a book named Techno creep which gives a detailed information and knowledge about the possible ways through which the technology has corrode the privacy rights of any organization. Main Context MCMAHON, TAMSIN. "Government Regulation Confidential Communications -- Laws, Regulations And Rules Disclosure Of Information -- Laws, Regulations And Rules Social Media Business Enterprises". N.p., 2014. Web. 22 Nov. 2016. According to this article, the information and data which are provided is actually a fact which can be verified by the researchers. The central argument of the author is that in the recent period of time the young workers want to develop or introduce themselves as a personal brand on social media. For this reason, some of the times the difference between the personal information and the organizational information on social media remain indistinct which hamper the privacy of that particular organization (Johnston, 2014). That is why; the social media is completely banned by the companies at the time of doing work. They also banned the discussion about the organizational business on social media legally. According to the researchers, the government laws, rules and regulations are important to stop the hacking and disclosing of confidential information and data of the organization. There are so many numbers of logical reasons, to enact a law regarding this issue of disclosing confidenti al data and information of the organization on social media. Due to the disclosing of many information and videos about the internal works of the organization, hampers the reputation of the company tremendously (Liu, 2013). The business clients also get angry and feel insecure to deal with that particular company. In the recent days, the laws, rules, and regulations related to the disclosing of confidential information can slowly able to catch up the exhaustive and extensive reach of social media within the workplace of any organization. In recent days, due to this reason, Facebook firings are getting increased within Canada. The court always supports and encourage the Company's right about firing their employees those who hampered the reputation of the company and also insult their supervisors, employers, and co-workers through their personal accounts on social media (MCMAHON, 2014). As the employees of any organization have the power to disclose the confidential information of the organization, the employer increase the use of some technological tools and software which can able to give a hard security to the computers within the organization. By the help of these tools and software, the employers can able to detect the posts about the sharing of confidential information of their companies which is shared by their employees on social media. According to the journal article, Tom Keenan once hired by the Chief Executive Officer of Calgary Company because he is an expert in the field of access computer security. For this reason, the CEO of Calgary Company brings him into their company to secure their organizational computers secretly and confidentially (Ng, 2016). They install a keyword logger on the suspected workers computer secretly. By the help of this exfiltration software, the company is able to detect and catch the employee red hand to share the confidential information and data to the competitor organization of that particular company (Reamer, 2012). According to Scott Kaine, president of Cyveillance, some of the companies has already created a team of intelligence whose may work is to surf the web regularly maintaining a time interval and investigate the posts, videos, and articles of the company and the writings about the executive and working procedures of the company. For example, a firm in Virginia offers a se rvice which provides such type of web scanning activities to the other clients or companies who really need this process to detect those employees who illegally post confidential information and data about the company on social media. Generally, the chat rooms within the organizations are main are where the employees steal the confidential information about the organization and disclose it in front of hackers and other competitor companies (Richards, 2015). Most of the time the most unsatisfied employee has the tendency to disclose the confidential information about the company and cause a huge damage to the reputation of the company within the market. However, according to the Scott Kaine, president of Cyveillance, there are also so many numbers of employees on social media who never try to disrespect or disclose any information about their companies on social media (Sarfaty, 2013). Therefore, it can be said that the enactment of law, rules, and regulations can help the company to restrict the share of confidential information and data of the company on social media. However, the employees also have the rights to speech and deliver their opinions freely on social media but not the confidential data of the company. According the researchers the author get biased about the employees and support that they can freely deliver their opinions on social media which hampers the reputation of a company tremendously. Conclusion In this thesis paper, the researchers can state that the disclosing of any type of confidential information of any company on social media is an illegal activity which is performed by that particular employee and for this act he should be punished by the higher authority of the company. Though internet became a great power for the unsatisfied employee to share the confidential information, videos and data about the company on social media and hamper the reputation and goodwill of that particular company within the market but it is an illegal activity according to the law which is enacted by the government to support the companies. The higher authority has the right to punish and fire that particular employee who wants to create such type of blur within the market. For this reason, some of the times the difference between the personal information and the organizational information on social media remain indistinct which can also hamper the privacy of that particular organization. In t he recent days, the companies are utilizing computer software which is able to detect and catch the suspected employee who wants to share the confidential information and data to the competitor organization of that company. This software provides a high-security level to the organizational computers of that company. Hence, it can say that the laws which are enacted by the government to catch those employees who share the company information on social media become very beneficial for the employer of the companies. However, the people have rights to speech freely and can freely share their opinion on social media. References Di Gangi, P., Johnston, A., Worrell, J., Thompson, S. (2016).What could possibly go wrong? A multi-panel Delphi study of organizational social media risk. Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Gozman, D., Currie, W., Seddon, J. (2016).The Role of Big Data in Governance: A Regulatory and Legal Perspective of Analytics in Global Financial Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Hall, J. McGraw, D. (2016).For Telehealth To Succeed, Privacy And Security Risks Must Be Identified And Addressed. Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Johnston, J. (2014).Loose tweets sink fleets and other sage advice: social media governance, policies and guidelines. Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Liu, R. (2013).New Results on Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Broadcast Channels With Confidential Messages - IEEE Xplore Retrieved 22 November 2016, from MCMAHON, T. (2014).Government regulation Confidential communications -- Laws, regulations and rules Disclosure of information -- Laws, regulations and rules Social media Business Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Ng, C. (2016).Public spaces as workplace for mobile knowledge Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Reamer, F. (2012).Social Work in a Digital Age: Ethical and Risk Management Challenges. Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Richards, N. (2015).Why Data Privacy Law Is (Mostly) Constitutional The Contemporary First Amendment: Freedom of Speech, Press, and Assembly Symposium 56 William Mary Law Review Retrieved 22 November 2016, from Sarfaty, G. (2013).Human Rights Meets Securities Retrieved 22 November 2016, from

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Lesson Plan for Pe free essay sample

Specific objectives: By the end of the lesson, student should be able to: a) Throw and dodge the ball effectively b) Attained flexibility through the game c) Achieve good teamwork with friends Teaching aids: 1) Video – Introduction on how the game is played Moral Values: Students are able to learn how to cooperate with teammates and build a good teamwork. Procedures: Stage| Contents| Activities amp; Rationales| Set Induction (10 minutes)| Video of How Dodge ball is Played| * Teacher shows the students a short video about How Dodge ball is Played. While watching the video, teacher can explain what should the students take note during the game. Rationale:To gain students’ interest towards Dodge ball and knowledge about Dodge ball. | Practise (30 minutes)| Skills and Techniques| * Teacher explains the rules about the game and what shouldn’t be done during the game. * Teachers can teach the students skills and techniques on how to dodge and throw the ball effectively . We will write a custom essay sample on Lesson Plan for Pe or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page * Teacher lets students warm up and practise throwing and dodging in pairs. Rationale:To gain students’ knowledge and let students understand rules on dodge ball. The Match(35 minutes)| A game of Doge Ball | * Teacher divides the class into 2 teams. * Each team starts out by throwing from the half court line. * When a player gets hit or someone catches the ball he has thrown, he is OUT! * Have a designated area on the side that the players go to, because they are OUT until a new game begins. * Then the teacher blows the whistle and calls the threepoint line. * When there are only a few players left in the game the teacher then calls another line that is closer than the three point line. If the teams start out uneven, then the teacher can let the weaker team go to the three point line and keep the other team at the half court line until the numbers even up. Rationale:To let students experience how Dodge ball is being played. | Closure (5 minutes)| A review of thelesson| * Teacher let the students cool down by relaxing. * Teachers can discuss about the match played just now and point out what did the students did wrong during the match. * Teachers can also asks students feedback and opinion regarding the game played. |

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on High Stakes

HIGH STAKES How the war may affect global economies, U.S. politics, and diplomacy The war in Iraq has had and will have lasting effects on economies throughout the world. â€Å"The U.S. and world economy are extremely fragile,† says Allen Sinai, Chief global economist of Decision Economics Inc. consultants. â€Å"A prolonged war would likely trigger a full-fledged global recession.† Many U.S. executives are in unisons saying that a short, decisive war is necessary to spark the economy. The degree of impact, negative or positive, depends greatly on the longevity and outcome of the war. Oil prices have skyrocketed to $38 per barrel from a low last November of $25. The consumers with their war jitters are not spending thus driving consumer spending down to its lowest in nearly a decade. However, triumph on the battlefields could put an end to this gloom. Even before the troops moved into Iraq, oil prices fell 27% to $29.88. Yet with the still underlying threat of new theorists attacks, the price of oil still looms in the valley of the unknowns. If Saddam knocks out key oil fields, the resulting shock would possibly trigger a slump. Other industries such as the airlines are also very vulnerable to war. Many airlines on the verge of bankruptcy may succumb to the drop in air travel. Many flights have been cancelled- people are bracing for the worst. The stock market, the U.S. indicator of â€Å"financial emotions†, is also displaying vast uncertainties among Americans. Will the war in Iraq have an effect on our economy? The answer is, of course, yes. But how much will the war have an impact is really uncertain. The major stake in this â€Å"undeclared war† is certainly our freedom, which at this moment, does not stir major concern on our home front; however, our nation does thrive on the â€Å"demand and supply† of fuel oil, corporate survival and the stock market. All of these factors play a major role in our economy. ... Free Essays on High Stakes Free Essays on High Stakes HIGH STAKES How the war may affect global economies, U.S. politics, and diplomacy The war in Iraq has had and will have lasting effects on economies throughout the world. â€Å"The U.S. and world economy are extremely fragile,† says Allen Sinai, Chief global economist of Decision Economics Inc. consultants. â€Å"A prolonged war would likely trigger a full-fledged global recession.† Many U.S. executives are in unisons saying that a short, decisive war is necessary to spark the economy. The degree of impact, negative or positive, depends greatly on the longevity and outcome of the war. Oil prices have skyrocketed to $38 per barrel from a low last November of $25. The consumers with their war jitters are not spending thus driving consumer spending down to its lowest in nearly a decade. However, triumph on the battlefields could put an end to this gloom. Even before the troops moved into Iraq, oil prices fell 27% to $29.88. Yet with the still underlying threat of new theorists attacks, the price of oil still looms in the valley of the unknowns. If Saddam knocks out key oil fields, the resulting shock would possibly trigger a slump. Other industries such as the airlines are also very vulnerable to war. Many airlines on the verge of bankruptcy may succumb to the drop in air travel. Many flights have been cancelled- people are bracing for the worst. The stock market, the U.S. indicator of â€Å"financial emotions†, is also displaying vast uncertainties among Americans. Will the war in Iraq have an effect on our economy? The answer is, of course, yes. But how much will the war have an impact is really uncertain. The major stake in this â€Å"undeclared war† is certainly our freedom, which at this moment, does not stir major concern on our home front; however, our nation does thrive on the â€Å"demand and supply† of fuel oil, corporate survival and the stock market. All of these factors play a major role in our economy. ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Does Your PSAT Score Qualify for National Merit

Does Your PSAT Score Qualify for National Merit SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you gearing up to rock the PSAT this fall and wondering what score you need to qualify for National Merit? This guide will give you 51 different answers to that question. Don't worry, it's not a complicated response. It's just that the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) compares test takers on a state-by-state basis. To become a National Merit Semifinalist, you have to score in the top 1% of students in your state. This guide will fill you in on all qualifying cutoff scores from coast to coast (plus Alaska and Hawaii)for the PSAT. But first, let's review exactly who qualifies for National Merit. Who Is Awarded National Merit? Students who are US citizens, who plan to go to college, and who take the PSAT/NMSQT in their junior year are eligible to receive National Merit distinctions and scholarships. They also have to do really, really well on the PSAT. The top 3-4% of scorers arenamed Commended Scholars- an impressive distinction to put on college applications. The top 1%, or about 16,000 students across the country, are named National Merit Semifinalists. This is an honorin itself, and it also means you couldgo on to be named a Finalist and receive scholarship money. Some colleges also award their own merit scholarships to National Merit Semifinalists. To determine who qualifies for National Merit, NMSC uses a scale called the Selection Index. To get this, NMSC adds your Math, Reading, and Writing section scores, which each fall between 8 and 38, and then multiplies that sum by 2. Thus,the PSAT NMSC Selection Index ranges from 48 to 228. Using reports from individuals around the country who took the 2017 PSAT, we've compiled a full list of National Merit qualifying scores.(Note that since National Merit cutoffs don't vary much from year to year, this list should still be fairly accurate for those who take the 2018 PSAT!) Students who take the PSAT in their junior year are eligible for National Merit distinction. PSAT NMSQT Qualifying Scores for 2018 and 2019 Selection Indexcutoffs compare the scores of test takers in each state. You'll probably get national percentiles on your PSAT score report, butstate percentiles are the ones NMSC uses to award students. The chart below shows the National Merit Selection Index cutoffs for students who took the PSAT in October 2017 and were named Semifinalists in the fall of 2018: State Selection Index Alabama 216 Alaska 215 Arizona 220 Arkansas 214 California 223 Colorado 221 Connecticut 222 Delaware 222 DC 223 Florida 219 Georgia 220 Hawaii 220 Idaho 214 Illinois 221 Indiana 219 Iowa 216 Kansas 218 Kentucky 218 Louisiana 217 Maine 217 Maryland 223 Massachusetts 223 Michigan 219 Minnesota 220 Mississippi 215 Missouri 217 Montana 214 Nebraska 216 Nevada 218 New Hampshire 219 New Jersey 223 New Mexico 215 New York 221 North Carolina 220 North Dakota 212 Ohio 219 Oklahoma 215 Oregon 221 Pennsylvania 220 Rhode Island 220 South Carolina 216 South Dakota 215 Tennessee 219 Texas 221 Utah 215 Vermont 216 Virginia 222 Washington 222 West Virginia 212 Wisconsin 216 Wyoming 212 Average Score 218 The average of all the PSAT NMSQT qualifying scores is 218. Sorry to those students in California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Washington, DC: you'll have to aim significantly higher and get a Selection Index of at least 223. Any American students studying in international schools abroad will also have to meet whatever the highest state's cutoff score is. As for boarding school attendees? You'll be measured against a regional cutoff; it usually equals the highest cutoff of the state within your regional grouping. Again, these Selection Index cutoffs are estimates, and there's some fluctuation from year to year. To account for this, you should aim at least 2-5 points higher than your state's cutoff score. Want to improve your PSAT score by 150 points? We have the industry's leading PSAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today: Stellar PSAT scoresdon't happen by accident, and the PSAT requires a good deal of preparation to master. If you're aiming for National Merit, how can you achieve the top PSAT scores you need to qualify? How Can You Achieve PSAT Scores in the Top 1%? Like with the SAT, anyone can improve their scores on the PSAT with dedicated and effective preparation. Besides helping you qualify for National Merit, studying for the PSAT will prepare you for the SAT! The three steps below lay the groundwork needed to qualify for National Merit. Step 1: Know Your State's (Approximate) Cutoff Score It's important to find your state's cutoff, figure out what scores you need, and aim even higher in case the qualifying score increases (remember, there is slight variation year to year). Before you even begin studying for the PSAT, look at the chart above to find your state's cutoff score. For example, let's say you're taking the test in Ohio. According to our chart, Ohio's Selection Index cutoff is 219, which roughly translates to a PSAT score of 1460. Since the cutoff score could rise slightly, adjust your goal score to be a little higher as well- let's say 1490 instead of 1460. After, write down your PSAT target score as well as your goal of being named a National Merit Scholar on a piece of paper. Tack this sheet up on your wall and look at it as you study to help youstay motivated. Step 2: Read PrepScholar PSAT Study Guides Once you've figured out your goal score, spend some time learning about the test by reading our various PSAT study guides. Our articles offer expert help with designing your study schedule and making the most of your prep. One of our most helpful guides talks about gettinga perfect PSAT scoreandgoes into detail about how you can analyze and drill your mistakesto make big score improvements. Step 3: Take Official Practice Tests Finally, you'll want to take official practice tests to help you prepare for test day. The College Board offerstwo PSAT/NMSQT practice tests, along withonline practice questionsfor each section on the PSAT. Two tests isn't that many, though, so I also suggest takingofficial SAT practice testsor usingKhan Academy's SAT prep program. Since thePSAT and SAT are such similar tests, you'll get a ton of extra help by taking SAT practice tests (though expect them to be slightly harder). In addition, you can useold PSAT practice tests, as long as you focus on relevant question types and ignore the ones no longer on the test, such as sentence completions. A lot of the fundamental skills and knowledge on the PSAT didn't change much during the2015 revision, so you can still use older practice tests and materials to practice effectively if you familiarize yourself with the changes andadapt your approach accordingly. National Merit might be hard to get but the distinction is well worth it and could lead you to some handy scholarship money. Plus, it communicates a lot about your academic commitment on your college applications! What's Next? What should you do once you get your PSAT scores? This guide fills you in on your next steps. Not only is the PSAT important for National Merit, but it can also predict how you'll score on the SAT.Learn how touse your PSAT scores to predict, and plan to improve, your SAT scores. Are you wondering how to divide up your time most effectively to prep for the SAT? This six-step guide answers your questions about how long you should study for the SAT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Understanding Journal Content and Style Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Understanding Journal Content and Style - Essay Example Understanding Journal Content and Style Our daily activities and exposure to different tasks affect our tolerances to human fatigue and performance. Given this condition, the word subjective throughout the paper suggests the individual capabilities of people (who are the subjects of the study) to be exposed to the different reading media used. Each individual within the study were recognized to have their own representation and interpretation of human fatigue and performance. This aspect is basically affected by one's ability to put up with the factors being studied in the paper. This also means that the results gathered from participants of the study are directly affected by human fatigue and performance, which are the significant elements in the study. The use of subjective measures in a project may encourage criticisms such that the results obtained from these kinds of measure may depend on several factors directly affecting the variables in the study - in this study's case the individuals who have their differences in interpreting the subject being studied. In effect, the results of the study may vary and the possibility of obtaining inaccurate measurement or results is higher. Moreover, subjective measures are to obtain non-precise quantity that would apply to the issue being studied. In contrast to an objective means of getting the desired result, there is an exact measurement, thus the outcomes are accurate. The varied reading duration that was allowed for the participants in the study may as well be subjected to criticisms since their reading capabilities were not measured first. As simple as this issue may seem for the study as a whole, however, it could still create a relatively huge margin of error for the research result. In addition, even as the reading materials were of general interest, the subjects (participants) may have varying opinions as to what the term 'general' means to them. As a result, they may have different reactions and attitudes as well towards the articles provided for them. (3) On the first page (INTRODUCTION, column 2, line 14) the author writes: "Others have allowed critical variables to become confounded so that their results are difficult to interpret". What do you understand by the term confounded in this context Based from the statement that precedes this sentence, it could be inferred that the term confounded could mean complex. As the preceding sentence state that "Some investigators have not described their displays, stimulus materials, workplace, environment, and procedure in enough detail to permit meaningful comparisons with other research," it suggest that in order to vagueness and ambiguity prevent the readers from asking more questions as well as comparisons with other researches with the same perspective. Moreover, the next sentence also suggest that while ideas in a research becomes complex and composite to even comprehend, the more that its readers become more likely not to ask further questions regarding the process of obtaining the results of the study. The term confounded in this study also implies that the more complicated the variables in a research become, the more that the results become too difficult to be interpreted

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Effective Team and Performance Management Essay - 11

Effective Team and Performance Management - Essay Example The paper is focused on the interpersonal relationship in the company. It proves that self-awareness of employees helps to increase effectiveness of the team management. The work describes how to develop self-awareness of employees. Some of the techniques include relationship orientation, soft skills, soliciting feedbacks, asking good questions, listening without justification etc. The author shows that relationship orientation revolves around safety, understanding, trust, sensitivity, and respect. â€Å"Soft skill† are usually heard skills that effect relationships at the work place. Consequently, employees will tent to feel that they are free in their attitudes and behaviors hence this can bring mutual respect. The work enumerates the three key tasks for the team leadership: supporting and coaching the team to succeed, maintaining and building a team as a performing unit, and lastly, creating a condition that will enable the team to embark on its work. The paper is supplied with the diagrams that illustrate the leadership skills in an organizational relationship. It provides the description of McGregor’s theory x and y as well as skills characteristics of theory x manager and y manager. The author concludes that interpersonal relationship is very essential in any given team or organization since this in one way or another that leads to either success or failure in organizational goals. It is important for one to evaluate oneself thoroughly in order to be self-aware so that to be able to manipulate those who are near correctly.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

A comparison of text and a production of Shakespeares Macbeth Essay Example for Free

A comparison of text and a production of Shakespeares Macbeth Essay From page to stage- A comparison of text and a production of Shakespeares Macbeth. I have decided to aim my coursework at the scene where Banquos ghost appears to Macbeth. I am basing my coursework around the reactions of Lady Macbeth and Macbeth, and also the way in which Banquo is portrayed to us in Shakespeares play and the performance, which we attended, by the Long Overdue Theatre Company. I am comparing each of these characters from the performance with the way that they are portrayed in the written version. In the TLOTC performance; we receive a calm atmosphere at the time of the banquet, however in the written version more mysterious version is revealed to us. In the production version I dont feel we were given a very clear image of how Macbeth changed throughout the scene. The text initially portrays an image of how horrified Macbeth is when he sees Banquo sitting at the table. When reading the play we can visualise whats happening throughout the scene. We can visualise how Macbeth talks to Banquo as though he is fully human and is really there. We see this by the way Macbeth speaks to Banquo, Never shake thy gory locks at me. It is in this way that we can tell clearly whats happening in this scene. The TLOTC portrays this to us well, I feel that they gave us the clear view of Macbeths feelings towards the ghost. I feel that this helped us to realise the fear that Macbeth felt. They showed Macbeths actions clearly, he was very shaken and scared, I feel that the tone of voice he used was very effective. I feel that we learn more about Macbeths astonishment and disbelief in the TLOTC performance than in the text. Macbeth asks Which of you have done this? This shows us that Macbeth is in shock at what he is seeing before him. In the performance we are able to see the facial expressions, I feel that this helps us to get a clearer view at what Macbeth is feeling. Whereas in the written version we can only try and visualise what Macbeth is feeling. The tone of voice use helps us to realise the tension which Macbeth feels. Each time Banquo entered the room Macbeths tone of voice changed: it became shaken and very loud. I think that Ben Shockley portrayed this very well in the performance. Macbeth tries to tell the others what he sees before him. He says to them If I stand here I saw him. In the written version we cant tell what type of voice is used so less emphasis is put on Macbeths words. The supernatural elements were portrayed to us more clearly in the performance. In the written version Shakespeare gives very few stage directions. In the LOTC production I felt that the sound effects that were used each time Banquos ghost appeared were very effective, in the way in which we are able to tell when Banquos ghost was appearing. We get none of this build up of tension from the written version. I feel, however, that the written version is much fuller than that of the performance as the impact of Shakespeares language was more obvious. This was particularly at the beginning of the scene, where Lady Macbeth seems to have a very calm, patient attitude towards Macbeth. Lady Macbeth says to the others in a calm voice Sit, worthy friends, my Lord is often thus. We can see Lady Macbeths attitude change towards Macbeth in both the performance and the written version. When she hears Macbeth speak to the ghost but she doesnt know who her husband is talking to. Lady Macbeth tries to be strong and reassure everyone that Macbeths behaviour should not alarm them, when she says to them: My lord is often thus, and hath been from his youth. As Macbeth begins again to talk to Banquo Lady Macbeths attitude changes again, she begins to panic a lot more. I feel that the way she was panicking partly was giving away their innocence. Lady Macbeths panic is conveyed on stage when she says Pray you speak not, he grows worse and worse, questions enrage him. At once, good night. In the LOTC performance and in the written version Lady Macbeth is shown as the stronger person between her and Macbeth. Lady Macbeth begins to get so antagonised that she begins threatening Macbeths right to call himself a man: she says What, quite unmanned in folly? I feel that the performance gives a better view on Lady Macbeths strong will to keep her and Macbeth from looking guilty. Lady Macbeth tells Macbeth not to worry as she is afraid that all his worrying will give away their innocence. I feel that the blood, which appeared from Banquos mouth and nose, helped the audience to visualise Banquos presence as a ghost, of a murder man, intent on making his killer suffer.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Religion in Europe During the Life of Karl Marx :: Essays Papers

Religion in Europe During the Life of Karl Marx Religion as an institution has evolved throughout human history. When it began during the primitive stages of human existence, religion was concerned with society rather than the individual. Its role was to better society as a whole. At a later time religion began to take a greater interest in the individual, changing its role as a social institution.[1] This change in the role of religion led to the institution as a whole supporting personal growth and success, including wealth. In the Manifesto of the Communist Party, the authors denounce the separation of classes and the upper class in general, saying, â€Å"Society can no longer live under this bourgeoisie†.[2] As a result, the authors also denounced religion because by supporting wealth and encouraging capitalism it served to promote the upper class. Marx and other Communists felt that the evolution of religion throughout history was spurred on by changing economic and social conditions.[3] These two factors are very similar, and a change in one usually leads to a change in the other. At the time that Marx and Engels were formulating their ideas concerning Communism, radical changes were sweeping across the better part of Europe. The Industrial Revolution was in full swing with new inventions and industries growing rapidly. The demand for products increased dramatically and the entire lifestyle of many Europeans, especially the English, changed. The Revolution led people away from the rural farm life to the mass production of the urban scene. Workers were needed in booming industries such as cotton, iron production, and coal mining. As a result, people flocked to the cities to meet the need. These industries were controlled by the bourgeoisie, the wealthy upper class. They wanted to take advantage of the new technology and the intense demand for new products, which translated into money. These owners sent the poor farmers straight to work, and exploited them from the start. The workers received low pay and worked long hours in extremely unfavorable, and even dangerous, conditions.[4] This continued and the bourgeoisie prospered at the expense of the oppressed proletariat. Once the Industrial Revolution started it became rather efficient.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Carl Jung Theory

Jung's theory divides the psyche into three parts. The first is the ego, which Jung identifies with the conscious mind. Closely related is the personal unconscious, which includes anything that is not presently conscious, but can be. The personal unconscious is like most people's understanding of the unconscious in that it includes both memories that are easily brought to mind and those that have been suppressed for some reason. But it does not include the instincts that Freud would have it include. But then Jung adds the part of the psyche that makes his theory stand out from all others: the collective unconscious. You could call it your â€Å"psychic inheritance. † It is the reservoir of our experiences as a species, a kind of knowledge we are all born with. And yet we can never be directly conscious of it. It influences all of our experiences and behaviors, most especially the emotional ones, but we only know about it indirectly, by looking at those influences. There are some experiences that show the effects of the collective unconscious more clearly than others: The experiences of love at first sight, of deja vu (the feeling that you've been here before), and the immediate recognition of certain symbols and the meanings of certain myths, could all be understood as the sudden conjunction of our outer reality and the inner reality of the collective unconscious. Grander examples are the creative experiences shared by artists and musicians all over the world and in all times, or the spiritual experiences of mystics of all religions, or the parallels in dreams, fantasies, mythologies, fairy tales, and literature. A nice example that has been greatly discussed recently is the near-death experience. It seems that many people, of many different cultural backgrounds, find that they have very similar recollections when they are brought back from a close encounter with death. They speak of leaving their bodies, seeing their bodies and the events surrounding them clearly, of being pulled through a long tunnel towards a bright light, of seeing deceased relatives or religious figures waiting for them, and of their disappointment at having to leave this happy scene to return to their bodies. Perhaps we are all â€Å"built† to experience death in this fashion. Archetypes The contents of the collective unconscious are called archetypes. Jung also called them dominants, imagos, mythological or primordial images, and a few other names, but archetypes seem to have won out over these. An archetype is an unlearned tendency to experience things in a certain way. The archetype has no form of its own, but it acts as an â€Å"organizing principle† on the things we see or do. It works the way that instincts work in Freud's theory: At first, the baby just wants something to eat, without knowing what it wants. It has a rather indefinite yearning, which, nevertheless, can be satisfied by some things and not by others. Later, with experience, the child begins to yearn for something more specific when it is hungry — a bottle, a cookie, a broiled lobster, a slice of New York style pizza. The archetype is like a black hole in space: You only know its there by how it draws matter and light to itself. The mother archetype The mother archetype is a particularly good example. All of our ancestors had mothers. We have evolved in an environment that included a mother or mother-substitute. We would never have survived without our connection with a nurturing-one during our times as helpless infants. It stands to reason that we are â€Å"built† in a way that reflects that evolutionary environment: We come into this world ready to want mother, to seek her, to recognize her, to deal with her. So the mother archetype is our built-in ability to recognize a certain relationship, that of â€Å"mothering. † Jung says that this is rather abstract, and we are likely to project the archetype out into the world and onto a particular person, usually our own mothers. Even when an archetype doesn't have a particular real person available, we tend to personify the archetype, that is, turn it into a mythological â€Å"story-book† character. This character symbolizes the archetype. The mother archetype is symbolized by the primordial mother or â€Å"earth mother† of mythology, by Eve and Mary in western traditions, and by less personal symbols such as the church, the nation, a forest, or the ocean. According to Jung, someone whose own mother failed to satisfy the demands of the archetype may well be one that spends his or her life seeking comfort in the church, or in identification with â€Å"the motherland,† or in meditating upon the figure of Mary, or in a life at sea. Mana You must understand that these archetypes are not really biological things, like Freud's instincts. They are more spiritual demands. For example, if you dreamt about long things, Freud might suggest these things represent the phallus and ultimately sex. But Jung might have a very different interpretation. Even dreaming quite specifically about a penis might not have much to do with some unfulfilled need for sex. It is curious that in primitive societies, phallic symbols do not usually refer to sex at all. They usually symbolize mana, or spiritual power. These symbols would be displayed on occasions when the spirits are being called upon to increase the yield of corn, or fish, or to heal someone. The connection between the penis and strength, between semen and seed, between fertilization and fertility are understood by most cultures. The shadow Sex and the life instincts in general are, of course, represented somewhere in Jung's system. They are a part of an archetype called the shadow. It derives from our prehuman, animal past, when our concerns were limited to survival and reproduction, and when we weren't self-conscious. It is the â€Å"dark side† of the ego, and the evil that we are capable of is often stored there. Actually, the shadow is amoral — neither good nor bad, just like animals. An animal is capable of tender care for its young and vicious killing for food, but it doesn't choose to do either. It just does what it does. It is â€Å"innocent. † But from our human perspective, the animal world looks rather brutal, inhuman, so the shadow becomes something of a garbage can for the parts of ourselves that we can't quite admit to. Symbols of the shadow include the snake (as in the garden of Eden), the dragon, monsters, and demons. It often guards the entrance to a cave or a pool of water, which is the collective unconscious. Next time you dream about wrestling with the devil, it may only be yourself you are wrestling with! The persona The persona represents your public image. The word is, obviously, related to the word person and personality, and comes from a Latin word for mask. So the persona is the mask you put on before you show yourself to the outside world. Although it begins as an archetype, by the time we are finished realizing it, it is the part of us most distant from the collective unconscious. At its best, it is just the â€Å"good impression† we all wish to present as we fill the roles society requires of us. But, of course, it can also be the â€Å"false impression† we use to manipulate people's opinions and behaviors. And, at its worst, it can be mistaken, even by ourselves, for our true nature: Sometimes we believe we really are what we pretend to be! Anima and animus A part of our persona is the role of male or female we must play. For most people that role is determined by their physical gender. But Jung, like Freud and Adler and others, felt that we are all really bisexual in nature. When we begin our lives as fetuses, we have undifferentiated sex organs that only gradually, under the influence of hormones, become male or female. Likewise, when we begin our social lives as infants, we are neither male nor female in the social sense. Almost immediately — as soon as those pink or blue booties go on — we come under the influence of society, which gradually molds us into men and women. In all societies, the expectations placed on men and women differ, usually based on our different roles in reproduction, but often involving many details that are purely traditional. In our society today, we still have many remnants of these traditional expectations. Women are still expected to be more nurturant and less aggressive; men are still expected to be strong and to ignore the emotional side of life. But Jung felt these expectations meant that we had developed only half of our potential. The anima is the female aspect present in the collective unconscious of men, and the animus is the male aspect present in the collective unconscious of women. Together, they are referred to as syzygy. The anima may be personified as a young girl, very spontaneous and intuitive, or as a witch, or as the earth mother. It is likely to be associated with deep emotionality and the force of life itself. The animus may be personified as a wise old man, a sorcerer, or often a number of males, and tends to be logical, often rationalistic, and even argumentative. The anima or animus is the archetype through which you communicate with the collective unconscious generally, and it is important to get into touch with it. It is also the archetype that is responsible for much of our love life: We are, as an ancient Greek myth suggests, always looking for our other alf, the half that the Gods took from us, in members of the opposite sex. When we fall in love at first sight, then we have found someone that â€Å"fills† our anima or animus archetype particularly well! Other archetypes Jung said that there is no fixed number of archetypes that we could simply list and memorize. They overlap and easily melt into each other as needed, and their logic is not the usual kind. But here are some he mentions: Beside s mother, their are other family archetypes. Obviously, there is father, who is often symbolized by a guide or an authority figure. There is also the archetype family, which represents the idea of blood relationship and ties that run deeper than those based on conscious reasons. There is also the child, represented in mythology and art by children, infants most especially, as well as other small creatures. The Christ child celebrated at Christmas is a manifestation of the child archetype, and represents the future, becoming, rebirth, and salvation. Curiously, Christmas falls during the winter solstice, which in northern primitive cultures also represents the future and rebirth. People used to light bonfires and perform ceremonies to encourage the sun's return to them. The child archetype often blends with other archetypes to form the child-god, or the child-hero. Many archetypes are story characters. The hero is one of the main ones. He is the mana personality and the defeater of evil dragons. Basically, he represents the ego — we do tend to identify with the hero of the story — and is often engaged in fighting the shadow, in the form of dragons and other monsters. The hero is, however, often dumb as a post. He is, after all, ignorant of the ways of the collective unconscious. Luke Skywalker, in the Star Wars films, is the perfect example of a hero. The hero is often out to rescue the maiden. She represents purity, innocence, and, in all likelihood, naivete. In the beginning of the Star Wars story, Princess Leia is the maiden. But, as the story progresses, she becomes the anima, discovering the powers of the force — the collective unconscious — and becoming an equal partner with Luke, who turns out to be her brother. The wise old man guides the hero. He is a form of the animus, and reveals to the hero the nature of the collective unconscious. In Star Wars, he is played by Obi Wan Kenobi and, later, Yoda. Notice that they teach Luke about the force and, as Luke matures, they die and become a part of him. You might be curious as to the archetype represented by Darth Vader, the â€Å"dark father. † He is the shadow and the master of the dark side of the force. He also turns out to be Luke and Leia's father. When he dies, he becomes one of the wise old men. There is also an animal archetype, representing humanity's relationships with the animal world. The hero's faithful horse would be an example. Snakes are often symbolic of the animal archetype, and are thought to be particularly wise. Animals, after all, are more in touch with their natures than we are. Perhaps loyal little robots and reliable old spaceships — the Falcon– are also symbols of animal. And there is the trickster, often represented by a clown or a magician. The trickster's role is to hamper the hero's progress and to generally make trouble. In Norse mythology, many of the gods' adventures originate in some trick or another played on their majesties by the half-god Loki. There are other archetypes that are a little more difficult to talk about. One is the original man, represented in western religion by Adam. Another is the God archetype, representing our need to comprehend the universe, to give a meaning to all that happens, to see it all as having some purpose and direction. The hermaphrodite, both male and female, represents the union of opposites, an important idea in Jung's theory. In some religious art, Jesus is presented as a rather feminine man. Likewise, in China, the character Kuan Yin began as a male saint (the bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara), but was portrayed in such a feminine manner that he is more often thought of as the female goddess of compassion! The most important archetype of all is the self. The self is the ultimate unity of the personality and is symbolized by the circle, the cross, and the mandala figures that Jung was fond of painting. A mandala is a drawing that is used in meditation because it tends to draw your focus back to the center, and it can be as simple as a geometric figure or as complicated as a stained glass window. The personifications that best represent self are Christ and Buddha, two people who many believe achieved perfection. But Jung felt that perfection of the personality is only truly achieved in death.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Human Error Theory in Health Care

Patient safety is a basic standard of health care. Every step in health care service contains intrinsic unsafe factors . The combination among newest technologies, health innovations and treatments have introduced a synergistic development in health care industry, and transformed it into more complex field. This rise health safety risks which may result from problems in practice, procedures and medicine etc . This Essay will discuss the relationship between human factors and patient safety. Definitions Patient safety is the reduction of unnecessary harm associated with healthcares to acceptable minimum â€Å"(Runciman ,Hibbert , Thomson , Der Schaaf , Sherman ,Lewalle , 2009) Human error in health care can be observed by two different methods: â€Å"the person approach and the system approach†, each model has own perspectives . Understanding these differences has a significant practical outcomes in healthcare industry and open sights for management of medical error (Reason, 2 000). The person approach stress on the hazardous act and procedural deviations of nurses,  physicians, pharmacists.It analyses these risky acts as resulting mainly from deviant mental functions such as lack of memory & concentration , poor enthusiasm , carelessness, , and recklessness(Reason, 2000) . The associated preventive measures are intended mainly at decreasing risky inconsistency in human performance (Reason, 2000) . Whereas the system approach insight human errors as consequences rather than causes, thus it relays the reasons for error occurrence on failure of organizational system (Reason, 2000).Countermeasures are established on the theory that although â€Å"we cannot change the human condition, we can adjust the  circumstances under which humans work† (Reason, 2000). Human error Theory Patients always expect miraculous solutions to each problem. In such expectations people who receive medical services tend to believe that no mistakes can happen. It is ac tually not so, and it is seen that there are instances where the medical errors can occur at any stage (Moyen, Camrie, Stelfox, 2008).They can take place if the healthcare provider chooses an inappropriate method of diagnosing the problem. There is another scope for medical error if the execution part goes wrong, even after choosing the correct method. Therefore, such medical errors are only referred to as the human errors in the area of health science (Moyen , Camrie ,Stelfox ,2008 ) . The importance of this issue can be seen according to the report provided by the American Institute of Medicine.It stated that US Hospitals been have astonishing as there had been deaths which were be ‘avoidable’. Some cases were the medical staff inconvenient, and others were seen that the poor system was actually beyond the failure. The possible flaws in the system are there like the poor communication, between the medical team and between them and the patients; also the reporting syst em of the hospital suffers from the lack of the coordination in the hospital system (Taxis & Barber, 2003). .This subject can be better understood with relation to the existing human error theory which consider errors are opportunities for improvement and it interestingly highlight the concept of error, the same issue was adhered by literary thinker and philosopher Francis Bacon(1620), that human mind has always thought of the ‘over-generalisations’ which means that the human mind always have that over-confident element of remembering things. This thought itself gives rise to error, because it all of being thoroughly perfect which is not possible.The theory stands widely accepted by the British Department of Health, they have moved away from solely blaming the individuals, towards accepting the fact that error is something inevitable ( Runciman ,Hibbert , Thomson , Der Schaaf , Sherman ,Lewalle , 2009) Various literary scholars, scientists and the psychologist have pointed out the fact that there are some cognitive processes and the multiple disturbing factors in the organisational environment and the surroundings that can lead to various accidents in the health care domain.According to Reason’s interpretation for the concept of error (1990), it is â€Å"the failure of a planned action to be completed as intended – without the intervention of some unforeseeable event; or the use of a wrong plan to achieve an aim. † This definition was somehow subjected to varied reactions, while some accepted this possibility of the error while others thought it was only a pretext for the mistakes done in a medical scenario.Though in the contemporary context this Human Error Theory has gained popularity because the same has been highly in relevance to the Norman’s idea of error, and thus these perspectives which have been built are the ‘Human Factors’ (Carayon, 2008) Further many factors have been analysed with relation to the same theory like the slips and the lapses from the memory, the mental performance etc (Carayon, 2008). The same theory is widely accepted because of the precise description for the human factors but still the same remains vulnerable to the criticism.The same effectively brings out that the nursing is an important factor in healthcare but there can be chances for human fallibility where even the same system can fail to acknowledge those how such errors can be avoided. But the critique of the same has been there on building up the counter-argument that the job of nursing accompanies humanities, therefore the basic human factors which can be controlled like the personal hygiene like the wearing of the uniform, washing the hands, the use of anti-bacterial and the anti-viral techniques while handling the patients can guarantee high infection control (Handler, et al, 2006).The availability of the trained staff which is willing to attend the patients can effectively led to stop the fostering of the errors. Other human factors which can be worked upon by the nursing staff in the hospital can range from the valid reason for which a drug is being used the collection of the true and the right records therefore the proper documentation of the patient’s disease.These were the critiques that were made on the various human actors which can lead to serious medical flaws (system) and the consequences can become fatal (Handler, et al, 2006). Swiss cheese Model Also, the assessment of the Swiss Cheese Model is necessary to understand that how the system of the medical errors contains the holes of the errors. Alike the holes that are present in a Swiss cheese there are the inherent holes that are present in the medical system.This interpretation of the errors is formed on the basis of the Swiss cheese model, it emphasis on the causes present in the system rather than blaming any sort of the individual failures. In a way this model has acted so far as a representati ve for giving an idea how can the painful events occur in a healthcare system and how should they be prevented. The Swiss Cheese Model effectively brings the significant human factors and the system factors which impact the health care set up and the various quality and the safety perspectives.The medical errors according to the model have a scope to arise because of the Organisational factors, the unsafe work conditions, the human tendency for the unsafe actions and the unsafe acts. The organisational influences are the lack of the management of the resources that are provided in the healthcare settings like the excessive use of the tools which are torn out, the improperly maintained machines and the lack of coordination among the staff members (Reason, 2000).The next is the distracting and the fluctuating work environment of the hospital, also referred to as the Organisational climate, like the lazy staff members, the inexpert doctors and the dogmatic nurses who are unwilling to a ttend to the patient’s queries. The third influential factor is the operational process; this accounts to the methodology that is followed for diagnosis, the nurse or the medical supervisor might indulge either too fast processing or the too slow processes (Karman, L. , 2008).The extreme behaviour of the clinicians and the health care staff thus can be referred to as the problematic in the operational process. The interpretation of the model defines that the healthcare system should be diligent in dealing with the patients at the right time and with the right networking, for this the recommended system by the Swiss Cheese Model where the holes should be seen as the chances where the on-going plan or the operation can fail and the slices of the cheese are the ‘defensive layers’ thus becoming the safety steps or the shields (Karmen, L. 2008).. Therefore, the different layers only act as the filter, where even if the mistake, the error or the flaw in the operation h as occurred in the first step then the same can be trapped in the defensive layer, leaving no scope for the error to be passed on to the next level. This is possible because the next layer would not be having the same positions of the holes as it was in the previous layer.This interpretation thus propagates the main idea that though the natural tendency of a human being to make mistakes cannot be corrected but the correction can be made at the part of the plan that is being executed so that the chances of the fatal consequences are effectively minimised (Karmen, L. , 2008). Conclusion On the basis of the Human Error Theory and the basic Human Factors that are responsible for the failure of the health care system, one can conclude that the critical review of Swiss Cheese Model can come to rescue many patients ho are admitted to the healthcare centres. The question which the analysis has answered is that ‘Can the human errors be effectively reduced in the medical context? â€⠄¢ and it seems that a positive light spot on the solutions to catch the problematic have been provided by the collaborative efforts of the literary precursors, the medical scholars and the psychologists. The model and the theory which has been studied effectively solves the problem by attacking its root in that health care setting is an indefinite system in which the safety of the patient resides (Wagner, C et. l , 2001). The safety & quality is only achieved while there is possible healthy interaction between the medical providers, the health care standards and the potential errors in the existing health care system. References Carayon, P. (2010). Human factors in patient safety as an innovation. Applied Ergonomics, 41(5): 657-665. Handler,S. , Castle, N. , Studenski, S. , Perera, S. , Fridsma, D. , Nace, D. , & Hanlon, J. (2006). Patient safety culture assessment in the nursing home.Qual Saf Health Care 15(6), 400-404. Karmen, L. (2008). Pilot, Swiss cheese, and cash mach inery: Health of the Health System. Croatian Medical Journal, 49(5), 689. Moyen, E. , Camire, E. , & Stelfox, H. T. (2008). Clinical review: medication errors in critical care. Critical Care Medicine, 12(2), 208. Taxis, K. , & Barber, N. (2003). Ethnographic study of incidence and severity of intravenous drug errors. British Medical Journal, 11, 326. Reason, J. (2000).Human error: models and management. British Medical Journal,  320:768-70. Runciman, W. , Hibbert,P. , Thomson, R. , Schaaf, T. V. D. , Sherman, H. , & Lewalle, P. (2009). Towards an international classification for patient safety: key concepts and terms. International Journal for Quality in Health Care, 21(1). 18-26. Wagner, C. , Wal, G. , Groenewegen, P. , & Bakker, D. (2001). The effectiveness of quality systems in nursing homes: a review. Qual Health Care 10(4), 211-217. .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Damn Mussolini; Now We cant Do Anything essays

Damn Mussolini; Now We cant Do Anything essays At this point in 1930 it would be difficult to switch from fascism. For the past decade fascist ideas have constantly been reiterated in almost every aspect of society and it has become a part of every Italians life. Democracy would have worked if we had kept it going in the right direction after 1919. Instead we never really established a strong democracy and it ended up leaving people something to be desired. Mussolini stepped up and provided exactly what Italians wanted, combining ideologies from a few different political parties. It wasnt hard for Mussolini. He started his political life as a socialist, eventually editor of the socialist magazine Avanti, but was expelled when he supported intervention in World War I. He then started a group called the Fascio di Combattimento (League of Combat), which at first didnt gain much popularity. In 1919, a three-party government was formed, leaning toward a democratic side of government. Because there were three parties, it didnt work and wasnt able to govern Italy. The socialists started to talk of a need for revolution, which scared conservatives; numerous strikes in industry and agriculture scared the middle class. Mussolini took advantage of all this and started to preach against communism, against strikes, and for nationality. Mussolini now had a good middle-class following. By forming a militia called squadristi, he attracted many veterans of World War I and students attracted to the idea of unrestricted violence. Mussolini knew that fascism is best accepted when society is chaotic, and therefore created chaos in everyday life. He preached that fascism is a party of order, and drew mostly from the fears of socialism, communism, and disorder that the middle-class, upper class, and students had. Mussolini took office in the government in 1922 when the King made him prime minister. He still lacked fascist power in parliament, but he h...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Best Character Analysis Daisy Buchanan - The Great Gatsby

Best Character Analysis Daisy Buchanan - The Great Gatsby SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips In The Great Gatsby, Daisy Fay Buchanan is the object of Jay Gatsby’s singular obsession, which means in many ways she is the center of the novel. But despite this, there is quite a bit we don’t know about Daisy Buchanan as a character – her inner thoughts, her desires, and even her motivations can be hard to read. So what do we know about Daisy, and what would a typical analysis of her look like? Learn all about Daisy, The Great Gatsby’s most alluring, controversial character, through her description, actions, famous quotes, and a detailed character analysis. Article Roadmap Daisy as a Character Physical description Daisy's background Actions in the novel Character Analysis Quotes about and by Daisy Common discussion topics FAQ about Daisy's motivations and actions Quick Note on Our Citations Our citation format in this guide is (chapter.paragraph). We're using this system since there are many editions of the novel, so using page numbers would only work for students with our copy of the book. To find a quotation we cite via chapter and paragraph in your book, you can either eyeball it (Paragraph 1-50: beginning of chapter; 50-100: middle of chapter; 100-on: end of chapter), or use the search function if you're using an online or eReader version of the text. Daisy Buchanan's Physical Description First up: what does Daisy look like? â€Å"I looked back at my cousin who began to ask me questions in her low, thrilling voice. It was the kind of voice that the ear follows up and down as if each speech is an arrangement of notes that will never be played again. Her face was sad and lovely with bright things in it, bright eyes and a bright passionate mouth- but there was an excitement in her voice that men who had cared for her found difficult to forget: a singing compulsion, a whispered "Listen," a promise that she had done gay, exciting things just a while since and that there were gay, exciting things hovering in the next hour.† (1.33) Now and then she moved and he changed his arm a little and once he kissed her dark shining hair. (8.16) Note that Daisy’s magnetic voice is a central part of her description – Nick describes her voice before her physical appearance, and doesn’t even include key details like her hair color until much later on in the book. We’ll discuss Daisy’s voice in depth later in this post. Also, note that Daisy is modeled after dark-haired beauty Ginevra King. King married another man despite Fitzgerald’s love for her (sound familiar?). Oddly, despite this biographical fact – and the clear description of Daisy's â€Å"dark shining hair† – all of the films show Daisy as blonde. Daisy Buchanan's Background Daisy Buchanan, born Daisy Fay, is from a wealthy family in Louisville, Kentucky. Popular and beautiful, she was courted by several officers during World War I. She met and fell in love with Jay Gatsby, an officer at the time, and promised to wait for him to return from the war. However, she succumbed to pressure from her family and married Tom Buchanan instead. The next year, they had a baby girl together, Pammy. Although Daisy is happy immediately after she and Tom are married, he begins having affairs almost immediately after their honeymoon to the South Seas. By the time Pammy is born, Daisy has become rather pessimistic, saying that the best thing in the world a girl can be is â€Å"a beautiful little fool† (1.8). The couple move around to anywhere where â€Å"people played polo and were rich together† – specifically, they live in both Chicago and France before moving to Long Island (1.17). Despite associating with a partying crowd in Chicago, Daisy’s reputation comes out unscathed: â€Å"They moved with a fast crowd, all of them young and rich and wild, but she came out with an absolutely perfect reputation. Perhaps because she doesn't drink. It's a great advantage not to drink among hard-drinking people† (4.144). By the beginning of the novel, Daisy and Tom hope to stay in New York permanently, but Nick is skeptical about this: â€Å"This was a permanent move, said Daisy over the telephone, but I didn't believe it† (1.17). Daisy frequently hosts her friend Jordan Baker, and seems desperate for something - or someone - to distract her from her restlessness and increasing pessimism. To see how Daisy's background ties her in to the biographies of the other characters, check out our novel timeline. Daisy's Actions in the Book We first meet Daisy in Chapter 1. She invites Nick Carraway over to her home for dinner, where he is first introduced to Jordan Baker. Tom takes a call from his mistress Myrtle during the evening, creating some tension. Daisy later confesses dramatically to Nick about her marital troubles, but undercuts that confession with "an absolute smirk" (1.120). When Nick leaves he has already predicted Daisy won’t leave Tom: â€Å"It seemed to me that the thing for Daisy to do was to rush out of the house, child in arms- but apparently there were no such intentions in her head† (1.150). In Chapter 5, Nick invites Daisy to tea over at his house. This is actually just an excuse for Jay Gatsby to come over and reunite with her after five years apart. After a tearful reunion, she tours Gatsby’s lavish mansion. Later, Nick leaves them alone and they begin an affair. Daisy attends one of Gatsby’s riotous parties in Chapter 6 and hates it. This causes Gatsby to stop throwing his parties entirely. He also fires his old staff and brings a new staff sent by Meyer Wolfshiem to his house – in part because of his business but also to help keep his affair with Daisy secret. In Chapter 7, Gatsby pushes Daisy to confront Tom, say she never loved him, and leave him. They originally plan to do this in Daisy and Tom’s house, but end up driving to Manhattan instead since everyone is so agitated. The confrontation ends up occurring in a room in the Plaza Hotel, and Daisy finds she can’t completely disavow Tom. This crushes Gatsby, and Tom, certain of his victory, tells Daisy she can drive home with Gatsby – he does this as a show of power; he’s confident that at this point Daisy will never leave him, even if she's left alone with Gatsby. During that drive back to East Egg, Myrtle Wilson runs out in the road (she has confused Gatsby’s yellow car with Tom’s) and Daisy runs her over and continues without stopping. Myrtle is killed on impact. The next day, she and Tom leave New York to avoid the fall out from the accident. She avoids contact from both Nick and Gatsby, such that we never see her response to Gatsby’s death or even her own response to killing Myrtle. This means our last glimpse of Daisy in the novel is at the end of Chapter 7, sitting across from Tom: â€Å"Daisy and Tom were sitting opposite each other at the kitchen table with a plate of cold fried chicken between them and two bottles of ale. He was talking intently across the table at her and in his earnestness his hand had fallen upon and covered her own. Once in a while she looked up at him and nodded in agreement" (7.409). So Nick leaves Daisy in Chapter 7 just as he did in Chapter 1 – alone with Tom, not happy, but not unhappy either. His prediction has turned out to be accurate: Daisy is too comfortable and secure in her marriage with Tom to seriously consider leaving it. We'll dig into more reasons why Daisy doesn't divorce Tom below. In fairness, fried chicken makes just about any situation better. Daisy Buchanan Quotes (Lines By and About Daisy) She told me it was a girl, and so I turned my head away and wept. 'All right,' I said, 'I'm glad it's a girl. And I hope she'll be a fool- that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool." (1.8) This deeply pessimistic comment is from the first time we meet Daisy in Chapter 1. She has just finished telling Nick about how when she gave birth to her daughter, she woke up alone – Tom was â€Å"god knows where.† She asks for the baby’s sex and cries when she hears it’s a girl. So beneath her charming surface we can see Daisy is somewhat despondent about her role in the world and unhappily married to Tom. That said, right after this comment Nick describes her "smirking," which suggests that despite her pessimism, she doesn't seem eager to change her current state of affairs. "Here, dearis." She groped around in a waste-basket she had with her on the bed and pulled out the string of pearls. "Take 'em downstairs and give 'em back to whoever they belong to. Tell 'em all Daisy's change' her mine. Say 'Daisy's change' her mine!'." She began to cry- she cried and cried. I rushed out and found her mother's maid and we locked the door and got her into a cold bath. She wouldn't let go of the letter. She took it into the tub with her and squeezed it up into a wet ball, and only let me leave it in the soap dish when she saw that it was coming to pieces like snow. But she didn't say another word. We gave her spirits of ammonia and put ice on her forehead and hooked her back into her dress and half an hour later when we walked out of the room the pearls were around her neck and the incident was over. Next day at five o'clock she married Tom Buchanan without so much as a shiver and started off on a three months' trip to the South Seas. (4.140-2) In this flashback, narrated by Jordan, we learn all about Daisy’s past and how she came to marry Tom, despite still being in love with Jay Gatsby. In fact, she seems to care about him enough that after receiving a letter from him, she threatens to call off her marriage to Tom. However, despite this brief rebellion, she is quickly put back together by Jordan and her maid – the dress and the pearls represent Daisy fitting back into her prescribed social role. And indeed, the next day she marries Tom â€Å"without so much as a shiver,† showing her reluctance to question the place in society dictated by her family and social status. "They're such beautiful shirts," she sobbed, her voice muffled in the thick folds. "It makes me sad because I've never seen such- such beautiful shirts before." (5.8) During Daisy and Gatsby’s reunion, she is delighted by Gatsby’s mansion but falls to pieces after Gatsby giddily shows off his collection of shirts. This scene is often confusing to students. Why does Daisy start crying at this particular display? The scene could speak to Daisy’s materialism: that she only emotionally breaks down at this conspicuous proof of Gatsby’s newfound wealth. But it also speaks to her strong feelings for Gatsby, and how touched she is at the lengths he went to to win her back. â€Å"What’ll we do with ourselves this afternoon,† cried Daisy, â€Å"and the day after that, and the next thirty years?† (7.74) In Chapter 7, as Daisy tries to work up the courage to tell Tom she wants to leave him, we get another instance of her struggling to find meaning and purpose in her life. Beneath Daisy’s cheerful exterior, there is a deep sadness, even nihilism, in her outlook (compare this to Jordan’s more optimistic response that life renews itself in autumn). â€Å"Her voice is full of money,† he said suddenly. That was it. I’d never understood before. It was full of money- that was the inexhaustible charm that rose and fell in it, the jingle of it, the cymbals’ song of it. . . . High in a white palace the king’s daughter, the golden girl. . . . (7.105-6) Gatsby explicitly ties Daisy and her magnetic voice to wealth. This particular line is really crucial, since it ties Gatsby’s love for Daisy to his pursuit of wealth and status. It also allows Daisy herself to become a stand-in for the idea of the American Dream. We'll discuss even more about the implications of Daisy's voice below. "Oh, you want too much!" she cried to Gatsby. "I love you now- isn't that enough? I can't help what's past." She began to sob helplessly. "I did love him once- but I loved you too." (7.264) During the climactic confrontation in New York City, Daisy can’t bring herself to admit she only loved Gatsby, because she did also love Tom at the beginning of their marriage. This moment is crushing for Gatsby, and some people who read the novel and end up disliking Daisy point to this moent as proof. Why couldn’t she get up the courage to just leave that awful Tom? they ask. However, I would argue that Daisy’s problem isn’t that she loves too little, but that she loves too much. She fell in love with Gatsby and was heartbroken when he went to war, and again when he reached out to her right before she was set to marry Tom. And then she fell deeply in love with Tom in the early days of their marriage, only to discover his cheating ways and become incredibly despondent (see her earlier comment about women being â€Å"beautiful little fools†). So by now she’s been hurt by falling in love, twice, and is wary of risking another heartbreak. Furthermore, we do see again her reluctance to part with her place in society. Being with Gatsby would mean giving up her status as old-money royalty and instead being the wife of a gangster. That’s a huge jump for someone like Daisy, who was essentially raised to stay within her class, to make. So it's hard to blame her for not giving up her entire life (not to mention her daughter!) to be with Jay. Daisy Buchanan Character Analysis To understand Daisy’s role in the story and to analyze her actions, understanding the context of the 1920s – especially the role of women – is key. First of all, even though women’s rights were expanding during th 1920s (spurred by the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1919), the prevailing expectation was still that women, especially wealthy women, would get married and have children and that was all. Divorce was also still uncommon and controversial. Pictured: the biggest moment Daisy Buchanan could ever aspire to. So Daisy, as a wife and mother who is reluctant to leave an unhappy marriage, can be seen as a product of her time, while other female characters like Jordan and Myrtle are pushing their boundaries a bit more. You can explore these issues in essays that ask you to compare Daisy and Myrtle or Daisy in Jordan – check out how in our article on comparing and contrasting Great Gatsby characters. Also, make sure you understand the idea of the American Dream and Daisy as a stand-in for it. You might be asked to connect Daisy to money, wealth, or the American Dream based on that crucial comment about her voice being made of money. Finally, be sure to read chapters 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 carefully for any Daisy analysis! (She doesn’t appear in Chapters 2, 3, 8, or 9.) What does Daisy represent? Wealth, unrequited love, the American dream, or something else entirely? Daisy definitely represents the old money class, from her expensive but relatively conservative clothing (like the white dress she is introduced in), to her â€Å"fashionable, glittering white mansion† (1.15) in East Egg, to her background, that â€Å"beautiful white girlhood† (1.140) spent in Louisville. You can also argue that she represents money itself more broadly, thanks to Gatsby’s observation that â€Å"her voice is full of money† (7.105). She also is the object that Gatsby pursues, the person who has come to stand in for all of his hopes, dreams, and ambition: â€Å"He knew that when he kissed this girl, and forever wed his unutterable visions to her perishable breath, his mind would never romp again like the mind of God. So he waited, listening for a moment longer to the tuning fork that had been struck upon a star. Then he kissed her. At his lips' touch she blossomed for him like a flower and the incarnation was complete† (6.134). Because of this connection, some people tie Daisy herself to the American Dream – she is as alluring and ultimately as fickle and illusive as the promises of a better life. Some people also say Daisy stands for the relatively unchanged position of many women in the 1920s – despite the new rights granted by the 19th amendment, many women were still trapped in unhappy marriages, and constrained by very strict gender roles. For an essay about what Daisy represents, you can argue for any of these points of view – old money, money itself, the American Dream, status of women, or something else – but make sure to use quotes from the book to back up your argument! Why is Daisy’s voice so important? First, we should note the obvious connection to sirens in The Odyssey – the beautiful creatures who lure men in with their voices. The suggestion is that Daisy’s beautiful voice makes her both irresistible and dangerous, especially to men. By making her voice her most alluring feature, rather than her looks or her movement, Fitzgerald makes that crucial allusion clear. He also makes it easier to connect Daisy to less-tangible qualities like money and the American Dream, since it’s her voice – something that is ephemeral and fleeting – that makes her so incredibly alluring. If Daisy were just an especially beautiful woman or physically alluring like Myrtle, she wouldn’t have that symbolic power. Daisy’s beautiful voice is also interesting because this is a very chatty novel – there is a lot of dialogue! But Daisy is the only character whose voice is continually described as alluring. (There are a few brief descriptions of Jordan’s voice as pleasant but it can also come across as â€Å"harsh and dry† according to Nick (8.49).) This creates the impression that it doesn’t really matter what she’s saying, but rather her physicality and what she represents to Gatsby is more important. That in turn could even be interpreted as misogynistic on Fitzgerald’s part, since the focus is not on what Daisy says, but how she says it. Discuss Daisy, Jordan, and the role of women in the 1920s. Are they flappers? Who's more independent? This question might seem quite simple at first: Daisy is sticking to her prescribed societal role by marrying and having a child, while Jordan plays golf, â€Å"runs around town† and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to marry. Daisy is conservative while Jordan is an independent woman – or as independent as a woman could be during the 1920s. Case closed, right? Not quite! This could definitely be the impression you get at the beginning of the novel, but things change during the story. Daisy does seem to contemplate divorce, while Jordan ends up engaged (or so she claims). And even if Jordan is not currently engaged, the fact she brings up engagement to Nick strongly hints that she sees that as her end goal in life, and that her current golf career is just a diversion. Furthermore, both Daisy and Jordan are also at the mercy of their families: Daisy derives all of her wealth and power from Tom, while Jordan is beholden to an old wealthy aunt who controls her money. They don’t actually have control over their own money, and therefore their choices. So while Jordan and Daisy both typify a very showy lifestyle that looks liberated – being â€Å"flappers,† having sex, drinking alcohol (which before the 1920s was seen as a highly indecent thing for a woman to do in public), and playing golf in Jordan’s case – they in fact are still thoroughly constrained by the limited options women had in the 1920s in terms of making their own lives. Do we really know Daisy as a character? Does anyone really know her? One argument Daisy supporters (people who argue she’s misunderstood and unfairly vilified by certain reads of the novel) make often is that we don’t really know Daisy that well by the end of the novel. Nick himself admits in Chapter 1 that he has â€Å"no sight into Daisy’s heart† (1.17). And readers aren’t the only people who think this. Fitzgerald himself lamented after the novel failed to sell well that its lack of success was due to the lack of major, well-developed female characters. In a letter to his editor, Fitzgerald wrote: â€Å"the book contained no important woman character, and women control the fiction market at present.† In any case, I think our best glimpse at Daisy comes through the portion narrated by Jordan – we see her intensely emotional response to hearing from Gatsby again, and for once get a sense of how trapped she feels by the expectations set by her family and society. The fact that Nick turns the narrative over to Jordan there suggests that he doesn’t feel comfortable sharing these intimate details about Daisy and/or he doesn’t really value Daisy’s story or point of view. So, unfortunately, we just don’t see much of Daisy’s inner self or motivations during the novel. Probably the character who knows her best is Jordan, and perhaps if Gatsby were from Jordan’s point of view, and not Nick’s, we would know much more about Daisy, for better or worse. How would the novel be different if Daisy and Gatsby got together at the end? The Great Gatsby would probably much less memorable with a happy ending, first of all! Sad endings tend to stick in your mind more stubbornly than happy ones. Furthermore, the novel would lose its power as a somber reflection on the American Dream. After all, if Gatsby â€Å"got the girl,† then he would have achieved everything he set out to get – money, status, and his dream girl. The novel would be a fulfillment of the American Dream, not a critique. The novel would also lose its power as an indictment of class in the US, since if Daisy and Gatsby ended up together it would suggest walls coming down between old and new money, something that never happens in the book. That ending would also seem to reward both Gatsby’s bad behavior (the bootlegging, gambling) as well as Daisy’s (the affair, and even Myrtle’s death), which likely would have made it less likely Gatsby would have caught on as an American classic during the ultra-conservative 1950s. Instead, the novel’s tragic end feels somewhat appropriate given everyone's lack of morality. In short, although on your first read of the novel, you more than likely are hoping for Gatsby to succeed in winning over Daisy, you have to realize the novel would be much less powerful with a stereotypically happy ending. Ending with Daisy and Tom as a couple might feel frustrating, but it forces the reader to confront the inescapable inequality of the novel’s society. FAQ Let's address some common questions about Daisy and her motivations, since she can be challenging to understand or sympathize with. Does anyone else hate Daisy? At the end of their first read of The Great Gatsby, many students don’t like Daisy much. After all, she turned Gatsby down, killed Myrtle, and then skipped town, even refusing to go to Gatsby’s funeral! Perhaps that’s why, on the internet and even in student essays, Daisy often bears the brunt of readers’ criticism - many forums and polls and blogs ask the same question over and over: â€Å"does anyone else hate Daisy?† But you have to remember that the story is told from Nick’s point of view, and he comes to revere Gatsby. And since Daisy turns Gatsby down, it’s unlikely Nick would be sympathetic toward her. Furthermore, we don’t know very much about Daisy or her internal life – aside from Chapter 1, Nick doesn’t have any revealing conversations with her and we know little about how her motivations or emotions change over the novel. There are also hints that she is emotionally unstable – see her interactions with Gatsby, Jordan, and Nick in Chapter 7: As [Tom] left the room again she got up and went over to Gatsby and pulled his face down kissing him on the mouth. "You know I love you," she murmured. "You forget there's a lady present," said Jordan. Daisy looked around doubtfully. "You kiss Nick too." "What a low, vulgar girl!" "I don't care!" cried Daisy and began to clog on the brick fireplace (7.42-8). With her husband in the next room, Daisy kisses Gatsby, encourages Jordan to kiss Nick, and then starts dancing gleefully on the fireplace, only to calm down and begin crooning exaggeratedly as her daughter is brought into the room. These aren’t exactly the actions of a calm, cool, collected individual. They suggest immaturity at best, but at worst, emotional or even psychological instability. How can Daisy stand up to the weight of Gatsby's dreams and expectations if she's barely keeping it together herself? Basically, be careful about jumping to conclusions about Daisy. It’s understandable – you could argue even it is Fitzgerald’s intention – that the reader doesn’t like Daisy. But you shouldn’t judge her more harshly than other characters in the book. For more on Daisy's unpopularity among Gatsby fans, check out these recent defenses of her. Does Daisy really love Gatsby? Does Gatsby really love Daisy? Daisy openly admits to loving both Tom and Gatsby, and the flashback scene suggests she really did love Gatsby before she married Tom. As we discussed above, it’s possible she doesn’t leave Tom partially because she’s wary of another heartbreak, along with her reluctance to give up her place in society. Gatsby is in love with Daisy, but he loves her more for her status and what she represents to him (old money, wealth, the American Dream). In fact, Gatsby is willfully ignorant of Daisy’s emotions later in the novel: he lurks outside the Buchanans’ house at the end of Chapter 7, convinced that Daisy still intends to run away with him, while Nick observes that Daisy and Tom are closely bonded. Instead of loving Daisy as a person and seeking to understand her, he becomes carried away with his image of her and clings to it – a choice that leads to his downfall. Why doesn’t Daisy just divorce Tom? Divorce was still rate and controversial in the 1920s, so it wasn’t an option for many women, Daisy included. Plus, as we’ve discussed above, part of Daisy still loves Tom, and they do have a child together, which would make it even harder to divorce. Finally, and most crucially, Daisy is very at home in her social world (as seen by how uncomfortable she is at Gatsby’s party), and also values her reputation, keeping it spotless in Chicago despite moving with a fast crowd. Would Daisy really be willing to risk her reputation and give up her social standing, even if it meant being free from Tom and his affairs? Is Daisy the most destructive character in the book? You could argue that since Daisy was the one who killed Myrtle, which led to the deaths of George and Gatsby, that Daisy is the most destructive character. That said, Gatsby’s obsession with her is what places her in the hotel that fateful night and sparks the whole tragedy. Nick, for his part, faults both Daisy and Tom, as rich people who smash things up and leave the mess for others to clean up (9.146). However, Nick comes to admire and revere Gatsby after his death and doesn’t dwell on Gatsby’s role in Myrtle’s death. As a reader, you can consider the events of the novel, the limitations of Nick’s narration, and your interpretation of the characters to decide who you think is the most destructive or dangerous. You can also decide if it's worth deciding which character is the most destructive - after all, this is a novel full of immoral behavior and crime. What’s Next? Love Daisy's style? Check out our list of fun Gatsby-themed decor and apparel. Want to read even more in-depth about Daisy’s marriage to Tom and her affair with Gatsby? Learn all about love, desire, and relationships in Gatsby to find out how her relationships stack up to everyone else’s! If you’re writing a compare and contrast essay featuring Daisy, make sure to read about the other character featured as well – here are our pages for Jordan and Myrtle. Confused about the events of Chapter 7? Don’t be ashamed. It’s a monster chapter – more than double the length of the other chapters in the book! It also contains several intricate conversations and events that can be a bit hard to follow. Check out our summary of Chapter 7 for a clear breakdown and analysis. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: