Saturday, November 23, 2019

Does Your PSAT Score Qualify for National Merit

Does Your PSAT Score Qualify for National Merit SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you gearing up to rock the PSAT this fall and wondering what score you need to qualify for National Merit? This guide will give you 51 different answers to that question. Don't worry, it's not a complicated response. It's just that the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) compares test takers on a state-by-state basis. To become a National Merit Semifinalist, you have to score in the top 1% of students in your state. This guide will fill you in on all qualifying cutoff scores from coast to coast (plus Alaska and Hawaii)for the PSAT. But first, let's review exactly who qualifies for National Merit. Who Is Awarded National Merit? Students who are US citizens, who plan to go to college, and who take the PSAT/NMSQT in their junior year are eligible to receive National Merit distinctions and scholarships. They also have to do really, really well on the PSAT. The top 3-4% of scorers arenamed Commended Scholars- an impressive distinction to put on college applications. The top 1%, or about 16,000 students across the country, are named National Merit Semifinalists. This is an honorin itself, and it also means you couldgo on to be named a Finalist and receive scholarship money. Some colleges also award their own merit scholarships to National Merit Semifinalists. To determine who qualifies for National Merit, NMSC uses a scale called the Selection Index. To get this, NMSC adds your Math, Reading, and Writing section scores, which each fall between 8 and 38, and then multiplies that sum by 2. Thus,the PSAT NMSC Selection Index ranges from 48 to 228. Using reports from individuals around the country who took the 2017 PSAT, we've compiled a full list of National Merit qualifying scores.(Note that since National Merit cutoffs don't vary much from year to year, this list should still be fairly accurate for those who take the 2018 PSAT!) Students who take the PSAT in their junior year are eligible for National Merit distinction. PSAT NMSQT Qualifying Scores for 2018 and 2019 Selection Indexcutoffs compare the scores of test takers in each state. You'll probably get national percentiles on your PSAT score report, butstate percentiles are the ones NMSC uses to award students. The chart below shows the National Merit Selection Index cutoffs for students who took the PSAT in October 2017 and were named Semifinalists in the fall of 2018: State Selection Index Alabama 216 Alaska 215 Arizona 220 Arkansas 214 California 223 Colorado 221 Connecticut 222 Delaware 222 DC 223 Florida 219 Georgia 220 Hawaii 220 Idaho 214 Illinois 221 Indiana 219 Iowa 216 Kansas 218 Kentucky 218 Louisiana 217 Maine 217 Maryland 223 Massachusetts 223 Michigan 219 Minnesota 220 Mississippi 215 Missouri 217 Montana 214 Nebraska 216 Nevada 218 New Hampshire 219 New Jersey 223 New Mexico 215 New York 221 North Carolina 220 North Dakota 212 Ohio 219 Oklahoma 215 Oregon 221 Pennsylvania 220 Rhode Island 220 South Carolina 216 South Dakota 215 Tennessee 219 Texas 221 Utah 215 Vermont 216 Virginia 222 Washington 222 West Virginia 212 Wisconsin 216 Wyoming 212 Average Score 218 The average of all the PSAT NMSQT qualifying scores is 218. Sorry to those students in California, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Washington, DC: you'll have to aim significantly higher and get a Selection Index of at least 223. Any American students studying in international schools abroad will also have to meet whatever the highest state's cutoff score is. As for boarding school attendees? You'll be measured against a regional cutoff; it usually equals the highest cutoff of the state within your regional grouping. Again, these Selection Index cutoffs are estimates, and there's some fluctuation from year to year. To account for this, you should aim at least 2-5 points higher than your state's cutoff score. Want to improve your PSAT score by 150 points? We have the industry's leading PSAT prep program. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so that you get the most effective prep possible. Check out our 5-day free trial today: Stellar PSAT scoresdon't happen by accident, and the PSAT requires a good deal of preparation to master. If you're aiming for National Merit, how can you achieve the top PSAT scores you need to qualify? How Can You Achieve PSAT Scores in the Top 1%? Like with the SAT, anyone can improve their scores on the PSAT with dedicated and effective preparation. Besides helping you qualify for National Merit, studying for the PSAT will prepare you for the SAT! The three steps below lay the groundwork needed to qualify for National Merit. Step 1: Know Your State's (Approximate) Cutoff Score It's important to find your state's cutoff, figure out what scores you need, and aim even higher in case the qualifying score increases (remember, there is slight variation year to year). Before you even begin studying for the PSAT, look at the chart above to find your state's cutoff score. For example, let's say you're taking the test in Ohio. According to our chart, Ohio's Selection Index cutoff is 219, which roughly translates to a PSAT score of 1460. Since the cutoff score could rise slightly, adjust your goal score to be a little higher as well- let's say 1490 instead of 1460. After, write down your PSAT target score as well as your goal of being named a National Merit Scholar on a piece of paper. Tack this sheet up on your wall and look at it as you study to help youstay motivated. Step 2: Read PrepScholar PSAT Study Guides Once you've figured out your goal score, spend some time learning about the test by reading our various PSAT study guides. Our articles offer expert help with designing your study schedule and making the most of your prep. One of our most helpful guides talks about gettinga perfect PSAT scoreandgoes into detail about how you can analyze and drill your mistakesto make big score improvements. Step 3: Take Official Practice Tests Finally, you'll want to take official practice tests to help you prepare for test day. The College Board offerstwo PSAT/NMSQT practice tests, along withonline practice questionsfor each section on the PSAT. Two tests isn't that many, though, so I also suggest takingofficial SAT practice testsor usingKhan Academy's SAT prep program. Since thePSAT and SAT are such similar tests, you'll get a ton of extra help by taking SAT practice tests (though expect them to be slightly harder). In addition, you can useold PSAT practice tests, as long as you focus on relevant question types and ignore the ones no longer on the test, such as sentence completions. A lot of the fundamental skills and knowledge on the PSAT didn't change much during the2015 revision, so you can still use older practice tests and materials to practice effectively if you familiarize yourself with the changes andadapt your approach accordingly. National Merit might be hard to get but the distinction is well worth it and could lead you to some handy scholarship money. Plus, it communicates a lot about your academic commitment on your college applications! What's Next? What should you do once you get your PSAT scores? This guide fills you in on your next steps. Not only is the PSAT important for National Merit, but it can also predict how you'll score on the SAT.Learn how touse your PSAT scores to predict, and plan to improve, your SAT scores. Are you wondering how to divide up your time most effectively to prep for the SAT? This six-step guide answers your questions about how long you should study for the SAT. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

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