Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Genome Project Of Any Species - 901 Words

The genome sequencing project of any species would not be possible without modern sequencing technologies and the methods described in this thesis, transcriptome and genome resources for whitefly can be rapidly developed which enable exciting research. Methods and results described in this thesis are just examples for any genome project, and would suit best to any arthropod that contain bacterial endosymbiont. This concluding chapter summarizes the previous chapters and also outlines the possible future directions for improvements and describes the exciting research studies possible. 8.0.1 What can we do with the transcriptome Chapter 1 began by addressing the research problem and describing the whiteflies that have been studied so far and why the genome of this species is needed. Although, four transcriptomes of different whitefly species have already been published and the data are available to public. These four transcriptomes were compared in Chapter 2 to identify sequence and functional differences across them. The main aim of the Chapter 2 was to obtain a comprehensive transcriptome data set for Asia I species which could effectively used for further analysis in this thesis. In order to capture the complete transcriptome of Asia I species, two different libraries (Normalized and Unnormalized) were generated and sequenced. These combined data sets from two libraries not only led to complete transcriptome resource but also to identifying the abundance and leastShow MoreRelatedThe Controversy Of Eugenics And Genetic Engineering1632 Words   |  7 Pagesmankind has sought to understand itself. We question why we exist and what our role in the universe is, even though we may never receive an answer. One of these problems that humanity has yet to fully understand is evolution, which is the process of a species undergoing changes that suit their environment through multiple generations. 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