Saturday, May 23, 2020

Saving Time On The Internet - 1411 Words

Lorena Rivero Professor’s Name ENG 112 November 18, 2016 Saving Time on the Internet Introduction Technology has been one of the biggest milestones made in the twenty- first century by human beings. Every day, new technology is created, and more efficient ways of doing things are availed. It is truly a gift to human beings, who more often than not, require getting things done much quickly and more importantly, cheaply. The most remarkable milestone of technology is the internet. The internet has led to the world becoming a global village by connecting people from all over the world (Mark, 471). People even do commerce online. It is efficient and fast. It also enables people from all over the world to communicate as if they were sitting across each other! However, the internet has its own problems. The major one being time wastage. Unbelievable as it may sound, the internet, contrary to what many believe, leads to a lot of wastage of precious time. For one, people waste precious time chatting on their gadgets, using the internet to browse endlessly, and worst of all, peopl e tend to be unaware of what they are doing and how much time has passed. In light of this, it is important that people understand how to use the internet appropriately to enhance its efficiency and to use it to save on time. The Body Today, many people are addicted to technology. The most widely used form of technology is the internet. It is possible to get lost in this exciting world whereShow MoreRelatedNotes On Indian Saving Money Essay1442 Words   |  6 Pagesconsumer loyalty level. Managing an account administration diminish t.h.eexpense with standard saving money framework by diminishing transforming time, brisk exchange, enhancing t.h.esuppleness of keeping money exchange and offering better client benefit through web saving money. T.h.eorigination managing an account has experienced different upgrades over t.h.etime of more than sixty years. 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